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Home-Start Richmond, Kingston & Hounslow Parenting Talk: Future Proof Your Child

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Home-Start Richmond, Kingston & Hounslow Parenting Talk: Future Proof Your Child

Von 10,00 GBP



15. November 2018, 19:30 Uhr - 21:30


Ever wondered what we could be doing as parents and carers to help our children develop the skills they need to succeed in today’s world? Dr Kathryn Weston has all the answers and looks forward to sharing her practical and straightforward tips, derived from the best research evidence.

She will cover topics such as:

  • How we can help children get into a positive mind-set where they are ready to embrace all of life's rich opportunities.
  • Personal resilience
  • Grit
  • Character
  • Social skills

Attendees will get the chance to ask questions during this information-packed and motivational evening!

The ticket includes light refreshments.

Thursday 15 November 2018, 7.30 for 8pm.

Surbiton High School, 6th Form Common Room, 5 Surbiton Crescent, Surbiton, KT1 2JP

All proceeds will go to local family support charity Home-Start Richmond, Kingston & Hounslow.


Registered Charity No: 1108975

About the speaker

Dr Kathy Weston is a criminologist and social researcher who is now one of the UK’s leading speakers on all areas of parental engagement in children’s learning. She is passionate about helping parents adopt evidence-based tips that make parenting easier and allow children to thrive. She is married to Charles and is a busy mum to two young boys.

About Keystone Aspire - keystone-aspire.com

I firmly believe we should inspire young people to aim high. That is why I founded Keystone Aspire – to help aspirational teachers, parents, and young people to achieve their full potential. I do this by sharing relevant research on topics such as parental engagement and aspirational parenting, in a straightforward and thought-provoking way. I’m thrilled to already have helped countless people with my motivational talks, parenting course and 1:1 mentoring sessions.

My doctorate in criminology gives me a unique insight into psychology, sociology and medical anthropology, all of which underpin my work in parenting and behavioural change. Eight years as a research fellow within Higher Education has also developed my interest in parental engagement and its impact on children’s lives..not to mention my full-time job as a mum!

I’ve spent over half a decade co-producing a weekly radio show for parents on Radio Verulam 92.6FM, where I have been lucky enough to interview some of the biggest names in the world of education and parenting.
I am a regular contributor to the Huffington Post and am a trained Parentzone Digital parenting facilitator.


James Hall Hampton Prep and Pre-Prep School, Gloucester Road, TW12 2UQ Hampton


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