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Heck / Employed To Serve / Destriers

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Heck / Employed To Serve / Destriers

Von 12,00 GBP



29. April 2017, 20:30 Uhr - 30. April 2017, 01:00 Uhr



Good As Dead - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykC0MQNgyM0

The Breakers - https://youtu.be/vQ0I29EU74A


The live arena is where punk really shines and Heck are no exception. Breaking down any remnants of a barrier, the band are their audience, frequently re-defining the limits of a ‘stage’ to literally bring anarchy to the masses. A Heck show is a truly immersive sensory 360° experience. You can guarantee that the mind-boggling spectacle you encounter at a Heck show will be quite unlike anything you’ve experienced before. They’ve provided exceptional tour support to the likes of Limp Bizkit, Black Spiders, Gallows and Enter Shikari.

Unsurprisingly, given the legendary status already attributed to their shows, the band were nominated for Best Live Band at the Kerrang! Awards 2014. If you are at a Heck show, you are not merely a spectator, you are a participant, whether you like it or not.

This year, the band released their critically-acclaimed debut album, Instructions, on their own label, NPAG Industries. They were nominated for Best Newcomer at the Metal Hammer Golden Gods Awards, and have so far this summer produced immense performances at Download and 2000 Trees.


Private media page http://tonemgmt.com/media/etsmedia

Bones To Break https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcmwCZnJ92Y

'Tour Is Life' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgSdODnoL54

Employed To Serve describe themselves as miserable Post-Hardcore, but you’d be wise to ignore the negative connotations of arguably one of 2014’s brightest talents.

Starting out as a two-piece bedroom project, Justine and Sammy released two EP’s through Grindcore Karaoke, the label run by Jay from Agoraphobic Nosebleed, before adding Michael and Robbie into the mix.

The first product of this unification is ‘Change Nothing, Regret Everything’ a musical open letter to those who despise their current situation, yet, do nothing to alter it. With a raucous sound that’s chaotic and bleak in equal measures, the gut wrenching vocals of Justine Jones ensure that every single lyric is delivered with the animosity the protagonist was intended to feel.

"If you need a soundtrack to flip your office desk then plug yourself in." - Rocksound

"Greyer Than You Remember, young British upstarts, Employed to Serve, have spit out a slab of miserable, nasty post-hardcore that is filled to the brim with confidence and strong, self-assured performances." - Heavymag AU

"The kind of sound that punches you square in the brain and makes you want to flip over your desk and smash all your worldly possessions." -Terrorizer



Voodoo, 11A Fountain St, BT1 5EA Belfast


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