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Von 9,00 GBP



15. September 2018, 10:00 Uhr - 13:30


GAGA a movement language/research, developed by Ohad Naharin (former artistic director of Batsheva Dance Company), is a way of gaining knowledge and self-awareness through your body. GAGA provides a framework for discovering and strengthening your body and adding flexibility, stamina, and agility while lightening the senses and imagination. GAGA raises awareness of physical weaknesses, awakens numb areas, exposes physical fixations, and offers ways for their elimination. The work improves instinctive movement and connects conscious and unconscious movement, and it allows for an experience of freedom and pleasure in a simple way, in a pleasant space, in comfortable clothes, accompanied by music, each person with himself and others.

Although Ohad Naharin developed the movement language GAGA with the highly trained dancers of the ensemble what he encourages through GAGA is finding the dance that is innate in all of us, whether we dance professionally or passionately in the kitchen. He encourages to find our inner groove and prescribes the daily dance as a way to access delicacy, power, strength, humour, being moved by what we hear when we deeply connect and listen to our body.

15th September 2018 Hamilton House, Dance Studio 2

GAGA/PEOPLE, 12.30 - 1.30pm, Open TO ALL!
Whatever your age, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, social/cultural background, hair colour/style or body type,
YOU are curious and you like to move? That's all you need to bring. YOU are welcome.

GAGA/DANCERS, 10 am - 12.15pm, GAGA + Choreography
Again, open to ALL, however, does require movement/dance experience.

N O T E: NO LATE ENTRY POSSIBLE for the GAGA classes!!! Arrive with time to get changed for a a relaxed and prompt start.

Address: Hamilton House, Dance Studio 2, 4th floor, 80 Stokes Croft, Bristol, BS1 3QY
Contact: Di: 0781 - 8807 981, di_sol@yahoo.com

About Natalia who is a freelance dancer, choreographer and GAGA teacher based in London. She graduated from GAGA Teachers Training in Tel Aviv, Israel, in 2012. Since then she has been teaching in many international dance festivals, for example International Dance Week Budapest or Zawirowania in Warsaw, companies like NDCWALES or Cracov Dance Theater and facilitated many open workshops all over the world.

In last two years Natalia is developing her own voice as a choreographer. Just in 2018 she created two performances, one for Drama Theater Company in Torun, Poland, called BIG SKY and another one LUCE for StudioXL in Reggio Nel'Emilia, Italy.

“We become more aware of our form. We connect to the sense of the endlessness of possibilities. We explore multi-dimensional movement; we enjoy the burning sensation in our muscles, we are ready to snap, we are aware of our explosive power and sometimes we use it. We change our movement habits by finding new ones. We go beyond our familiar limits. We can be calm and alert at once.” – Ohad Naharin



Hamilton House Hamilton House, Stokes Croft 80, BS1 3QY Bristol


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