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Full Moon Steam Circle & Gong Bath - Bristol

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Full Moon Steam Circle & Gong Bath - Bristol

Von 40,00 GBP



31. März 2018, 13:00 Uhr - 16:00


It's time to step into the sacred circle of sisterhood once again and embrace the beauty of our feminine power

Sister, I'd like to do something different this time round and invite you to join me...close your eyes and imagine you're:

  • surrounded by like-minded women
  • in a safe space free of any judgement
  • inhaling the lovely scents of burning oils and incense
  • under the gaze of the powerful moon and her many stars
  • laughing, shedding tears of joy and more as you learn about natural womb care

That may seem a bit much but just take a deeeeep breath in and slowly release it. Feels good right....can you also imagine, practically feel, a soft breeze lightly dancing across your skin...? This isn't something I just made up or some romantic poetry - it's real, and coming to you!

Sister circles are not some old, forgotten notion or a fad - they're real, important and needed now more than ever. They're spaces for us to talk about some real (excuse my French, but) *ish: the harassment we deal with on a daily basis, how to overcome sexism in the workplace, learn more about our bodies, have the conversations with each other that our mothers never had with us and so much more! Did you know, I actually switched from those bleach and chemical-filled pad to the menstrual cups and learnt more about my cycle from a sister circle?! That's a conversation I definitely didn't have with my mother and I bet many of you can say the same too. That's why we need these spaces, these gatherings; they're also great spaces for us to just be and enjoy who we are.

It's because of this that I invite to you to join me....

In this workshop, complete with a gong-bath ceremony under the Full Moon, we'll learn about the ancient, natural health ritual that is Yoni Steaming! Bring your crystals and sacred objects so we can build our very own altar, intentions and get ready to connect with the very essence of your womanhood and fellow sisters.

You'll be gently guided through, step-by-step to explore its many benefits, the Yoni and surrounding structures, even blend your own herbs and more.

You also get 2 post-workshop calls via Skype (details/link will be sent post-workshop)

Please bring a blanket, comfortable clothing and wear a long dress/skirt.

When booking your ticket please make sure you choose from the times for the workshop you'd like to attend. Looking forward to connecting with you!

And one last thing......refunds are not given so please make sure you have checked the date of your period so that you're not one when this workshop takes place.

PLEASE NOTE: You cannot take part in this workshop if you are/think you are pregnant, on your period or have a coil/IUD



Space 238 Space 238, 238 Stapleton Rd, BS5 0NT Bristol


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