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Full Moon in Sagittarius Guided River Walk Meditation Moon Circle

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Full Moon in Sagittarius Guided River Walk Meditation Moon Circle

De GBP 15,00



Jun 14 2022 19:00 - 20:30


Join Tracey & Dee, Lunar Priestesses of the Goddess Temple of Twickenham, for a Full Moon Guided Walk around the Twickenham Riverside.

We will guide you through what this Sagittarius energy means for you this month and how you can use it to reflect and release in a powerful moon practice. 

Sagittarius is the spontaneous adventurer – keen to get out and see the world. What a perfect way to celebrate this beautiful full moon with a moon walk around the beautiful Twickenham Riverside.

As we enjoy this guided walk, harnessing the energies that the moon and this area has to offer we will also stop for quiet contemplation and meditation, rounding off our practice with a sharing circle.

Sagittarius is all about how spontaneous and free we are – with our journaling practice we can begin to understand how we can balance our life’s to gain more understanding and knowledge.

This will be a gentle walk but some level of fitness will be required.  Please bring any blankets and drinks that you would like. Please also bring whatever notebook, paper or device you like to use for journaling. 

Join Tracey and Dee, Lunar Priestesses of the Goddess Temple of Twickenham, for this guided meditation to celebrate the Full Moon in Sagittarius. 

Celebrating the Full Moon helps us observe the rhythm of time, and is the perfect time for spiritual reflection. It is the perfect time for meditation and a release of the energy that has been building since the previous New Moon. It is time to unburden yourself, revisit the intentions you set at the New Moon, and decide what to bring forward with you, and what to let go if it is no longer serving you.

Events are for 18 years and over, and 16 years and over with an adult guardian.


Our The Spiritual Healing Temple is based at the Hare and the Moon shop offering events and spiritual treatments both in the lower ground floor of the shop space and at The Etna Centre, Twickenham, TW1

We are a non-denominational, all-inclusive and accessible spiritual wellness centre dedicated to celebrating the Divine Energies. We also offer a sacred space for quiet contemplation. 


ETNA Community Centre ETNA Community Centre, 13 Rosslyn Rd, TW1 2AR Twickenham


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