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FREE Property Investing Seminar - MANCHESTER - Hilton Manchester Airport

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FREE Property Investing Seminar - MANCHESTER - Hilton Manchester Airport

Da Gratis



Sett 11 2019 18:00 - 21:30
Billetto Peace of Mind
Prenota senza pensieri: Billetto garantisce il rimborso per gli eventi cancellati, assicurandoti così la massima tranquillità. Leggi di più


Learn to invest in property with Fielding Financial.

Are you passionate about property?

Whether you are partial to a property programme or already have one or two properties under your belt, we want to help you harness the power of successful property investing. We believe that with the right knowledge, up to date market analysis and confidence anyone can build a successful property portfolio, and business.

We have helped everyone from complete beginners to part-time landlords tap into the huge potential property investing has to offer. We will show you the exact steps you need to take to generate a regular monthly income, reduce risk and avoid the common pitfalls of property investment.

Our seminars are led by the experts, people, who through training and experience, really have turned their passion for property into a means of creating wealth, security and financial freedom. To date Fielding Financial has trained over 7,000 students how to replicate this success using tried and tested methods. So why not join one of our free Property Investing Seminars and discover the benefits of successful property investing.

What you will learn?

Our seminars are led by an experienced faculty who have an intimate understanding of buy-to-let, HMOs and lease options, they understand the challenges professional property investors face and want to share their personal experiences and knowledge with you.

By attending our FREE 2-hour introduction to Property Investing Seminar you will learn:

  • How to find the right property in the right area
  • How to create an income now as well as wealth in the future
  • How to make money with very little time and a limited budget
  • The 7 top property investment criteria and 7 things to avoid at all costs

Book your FREE place today and take that next step towards building your portfolio and achieving financial freedom for yourself and family!

Click here for future dates.


The company was formed 10 years ago by self-made millionaire, property expert and entrepreneur Gill Fielding. Passionate about ‘lighting the spark of financial freedom’ for others Gill shares her decades of accumulated knowledge through the training programmes provided at Fielding Financial. Fielding Financial specialises in helping people to understand the key principles behind the achievement of financial freedom through investing in property, business and shares and trading. Fielding Financial traches it’s students how to manage and improve their financial situation and reach the level of success they personally want to achieve, whether that’s to live comfortably with a little extra income or to radically transform their position, give up the day job and live their lives exactly as they dreamed.

Luogo dell'evento

Hilton Manchester Airport Hilton Manchester Airport, Outwood Lane, M90 4WP Manchester


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