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FREE Improv Taster Class!

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FREE Improv Taster Class!

De Gratuito



Sep 28 2019 13:00 - 15:00


So, you're thinking of taking an improv class... but maybe you have perfectly valid questions like;

"Is improv right for me"?

"Is this some kind of cult"?

"What's James Franco up to these days"?

Well, we can help with the first two of those questions. The answers are "Probably" and "Not really". 

If the third is your thing, look here.

First off, IMPROV IS GREAT and it's good for you - if we didn't believe that, we'd be doing something else. It's like going to the gym for the parts of your brain that do creativity, confidence and having fun; plus it's a useful skill in a huge number of situations.

Some people can be intimidated by the idea of learning to improvise, some people might just want to see what we do and others might want to see if we're legit as a company (we're super-legit). If these statements - or others - apply to you, then this taster class is for YOU.

Improvisation is a great way to get more confident, more creative and make new friends in a challenging but fun and safe environment - but why believe me* when I'm saying stuff, when we can literally show you?

This is a free taster class in which Monkey Toast's Artistic Director, Paul Foxcroft will take two hours to demonstrate the Monkey Toast teaching style - we teach a scene-based, organic Chicago style (which either means something to you now, or it will after the taster class). In this free class we'll cover a little theory, one or two exercises and a little practical application of both - plus there's plenty of time for questions about our courses or improv in general**.

For more information on our other courses - click here for more information about the company.

Did I mention that this is A FREE CLASS? Because it is. IT'S FREE!

Paul Foxcroft - Director, Monkey Toast UK

*I mean, you should believe me, I'm one of the most qualified people in the UK on this subject.

** There's time for questions about anything, but let's try to stay on target here, people.


Monkey Toast is one of the UK's leading improvisation schools and this is where you can book places on our critically acclaimed courses or tickets to see our critically acclaimed performers.


The Carpenters Arms The Carpenters Arms, 12 Seymour Pl, W1H 7NE London


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