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De GBP 80,00



Abr 02 2022 10:30 - 16:00


Join us for a nourishing day of foraging plus a wild feast, cooked over the campfire!

This course includes:

- an introduction to safe and sustainable wild food foraging

- how to identify a range of seasonal edibles found in the wild with confidence

- methods of preparation and cooking, and simple recipe ideas to try at home

- the nutritional & medicinal benefits of the wild food we find

- the folklore and history associated with the plants we discover

- bushcraft uses of wild plants and mushrooms, such as firelighting

- lots of tasty food and drink samples! Our tutors will invite you to engage all of your senses as they offer you wild snacks and drinks along the way. 

- a wild feast for lunch, cooked over the campfire and including lots of of our tasty foraged finds (vegan and gluten free diets can be catered for- just let us know)

- some quiet time for observation and reflection

The cost for the day is £80. 

You will be guided through the day by our experienced foraging instructors, Live Wild’s Leonie Morris – qualified Bushcraft Instructor & Wild Food Teacher
Live Wild's Sophie Wren – Forager & Wild Food Experimenter

Please email us at you have any access requirements or questions.

Cancellation policy

If a booking is cancelled more than one month before the course date: a full refund will be given, or the ticket holder can transfer onto a different course of the same price, subject to availability.
If the booking is cancelled within a month of the course date: a refund will only be given if Live Wild are able to fill the place/ places on the course. Should we be unable to fill the places on the course, we cannot offer a refund.


Live Wild’s courses and programmes in the woods of North West England invite people of all ages to rediscover the ‘wild nature’ both inside and outside of us.

We offer foraging, family days, nature mentoring, forest school, skill shares, nature quests and more, all with wild exploration at their heart. We also run funded programmes with schools and organisations that promote healing and wellness through nature connection.


Hebden Bridge HX7, HX7 Hebden Bridge


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