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15. Juli 2016, 17:00 Uhr - 17. Juli 2016, 19:00 Uhr


A three-day event where somatic practice meets CI

Join Trip and Simonetta Alessandri (Feldenkrais into CI), Eszter Gál (Skinner Releasing Technique into CI) and Katy Dymoke (Body-Mind Centering into CI) on a journey from the inner sources of movement to improvised dancing, jamming, performing and sharing food.

WORKSHOP 1 | Friday 15th July | 12pm-5pm

LIGHT FLIGHT with Simonetta Alessandri
Integrating Feldenkrais into CI

We will start with a Feldenkrais session, creating a quiet space where we can listen to our own body and question how we organize movement. We will look at how to free ourselves from unhelpful patterns and experiment with new functional alternatives.

The discoveries we make in Feldenkrais will support in meeting our partner in Contact, becoming more sophisticated in reading, understanding and communicating. Our new clarity in pelvic movement will support us to follow the constantly changing orientation of a Contact dance and make us stronger in support and lighter in flight.

Simonetta is an Italian dance artist based in London. She teaches at Trinity Laban, LCDS and Goldsmiths University. She has been a guest teacher in more than ten countries. She holds a P.G. Diploma in Choreography from LCDS , a T.C. from Royal Academy of Dance and she is qualified teacher of the Feldenkrais Method.

WORKSHOP 2 (international) | Friday 15th July - 8pm-10pm | Saturday 16th July 2:30pm-7:30pm

Integrating SRT into CI

During this workshop we will be studying the moving self with letting go, economy, allowing and focusing on autonomy (of the breath, legs, arms) and connectedness. All material practiced from the Skinner Releasing Technique (SRT) will offer an exploratory framework for discovering CI. We are going to fine tune to the whole self, work with images, practice movement studies, partner graphics, then cultivating the kinesthetic experiences in CI dances. We will also study a few CI basics to find support, safety and trust while taking physical risks. We are going to enter the dance in different ways and challenge ourselves in extended duets.

Eszter Gál is a dancer, teacher, working at the University of Theater and Film Arts in Budapest, co-directs the program of the Kontakt Budapest Studio, teaches improvisation, CI and SRT internationally for almost 20 years. She is a certified Skinner Releasing Technique teacher. She is the co-founder of IDOCDE (www.idocde.net) and project coordinator of REFLEX Europe project, founded by the EU.

WORKSHOP 3 | Sunday 17th July | 2pm-7pm |

TOUCH, SENSE, FEEL, MOVE with Katy Dymoke
Integrating BMC into CI

Katy considers Contact Improvisation as more than a movement practice, it establishes a realm in which bodies enact the unspoken and allow inner ‘voices’ to express. BMC developmental movement and experiential anatomy enlightens the movement experience by bringing the corporeal to conscious awareness – it is like going to the source and finding an infinite palette of possibilities.

The workshop will involve fundamental principles of somatic awareness offering support for the dialogue with self and other. The body structures offer support for movement quality, form and intention, an inner landscape shaping the outer as we move through space.

Katy delivers and directs the UK licensed Body-Mind Centering® program with Embody-Move. As dancer and director of Touchdown Dance she co-creates performances, dance film and delivers dance workshops to all ages and abilities. CI underlies the line of enquiry in her PhD - the use of touch as an integrative and integral aspect of human communication in dance movement psychotherapy.

More details soon!

JAM | Sunday 17th July | 8-10pm
More details soon!

TripSpace will offer space for all to share a convivial meal: please bring food and drink to share!

1 workshop £40/ £35 EB Friday 8th July
2 workshops £75/ £65 EB Friday 8th July
3 workshops £115/ £100 EB Friday 8th July
Whole Festival (3 workshops+ Jam+ Performance+ Convivial Event) £120/£105 EB Friday 8th July
Performance ££ Pay As Much As You Can
Jam £8

PLEASE NOTE: On Friday and Saturday TripSpace’s kitchen has kindly agreed to offer 10% discount on food bill to all workshop participants.

This programme was curated by Giuliana Majo and Vanio Papadelli

Photo credit: Teréz Somfai



TripSpace Projects, 339 - 340 Acton Mews, E8 4EA London


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