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Fra 30,00 GBP



8. Januar 2018, 10:00 - 13:00



Someone recently told me that they referred to our generation (16-35) as the 'disposable kids' because we never considered fixing things. We'd rather throw it away and buy a replacement.

Unfortunately we are binning more than broken shoes and ripped knickers - relationships are something the 'disposable kids' chucking-away too. Nearly one-fifth (17 percent) of babies under a year old do not live with both natural parents, and that number jumps to 47 percent by the time the child is 15.

When it's kids involved it's WAY more complicated and serious than binning a torn pair of skinny jeans. For this reason because we are launching the Mothers Meeting Family Law workshop. Where we will be covering all the serious stuff that comes from trying to fix or end a relationship. It's not easy but that doesn't mean it has to be complicated or scary.

Workshop for mums (and/or their friends) who have separated or are thinking about separating from their partner and need some guidance about how to make co-parenting work, how to separate their worldly goods, and a point in the right direction on what to do next.

The workshop will be mainly about children’s issues, but it will also touch upon all family law issues:


[if !supportLists]·[endif]Co-parenting tips and guidance

[if !supportLists]·[endif]If co-parenting breaks down, options available to resolve your dispute

[if !supportLists]·[endif]Parental responsibility, who has it, why it’s important and what it means for you

[if !supportLists]·[endif]International children, what you need to consider before taking your child abroad

[if !supportLists]·[endif]Relocation – what you need to consider before moving to the otherside of London, outside London or further afield

[if !supportLists]·[endif]Child maintenance

[if !supportLists]·[endif]Grandparents and other relatives


[if !supportLists]·[endif]You’re not married but you are considering moving in or you are separating having shared a home, there might be sole assets, joint assets, a home, a bank account, a business – how to divide them up & where you stand. This is important whether or not you have children together, and if you have been engaged there is more reason to take note.

Separating Spouses

[if !supportLists]·[endif]Separation/divorce/annulment – which route may be best for you.

[if !supportLists]·[endif]Financial separation, the starting point and what key factors are important

[if !supportLists]·[endif]Spousal maintenance

Domestic Abuse

[if !supportLists]·[endif]It’s not just fisticuffs, being controlling and coercive can also be abuse. What is it and what are the options?


[if !supportLists]·[endif]What they are and when they might be useful

You’re not alone
By holding this workshop with Mothers Meeting we are providing the participants with direct access to an experienced family lawyer and also a support network of other women who are experiencing similar issues.

About Laura and Penningtons Manches

I’m an experienced family lawyer with expertise in financial cases and disputes concerning arrangements for children in both married and unmarried cases. I have particular experience in acting for clients in emergency situations, making urgent applications to the court in cases relating to children, finances and domestic abuse. My cases often involve international issues, whether it involves an asset abroad, an international couple/family or a wish to move abroad. I believe in a constructive approach to resolving family issues and to helping those involved to be as amicable as possible. I am well known for fiercely defending my clients, where necessary; my attention to detail, and providing a Rolls Royce service. Penningtons Manches LLP is world renowned for being leaders in Family Law and we have offices in London, Guildford, Reading, Oxford, Cambridge, Basingstoke and San Fransico.

If, after the workshop anyone would like to have further advice, I can arrange for us to have an individual meeting. I am normally based in our Guildford office, but I am available in London whenever required and can use my London office for meetings.





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