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Engage, Empower & Employ Yourself 1 Day Workshop

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Engage, Empower & Employ Yourself 1 Day Workshop

Von 199,00 GBP



19. Oktober 2019, 10:00 Uhr - 17:00


The A-Z of setting up your own business!

What you will take away from this course:

  • A 40 page coursebook;
  • A clear idea of what business format will suit your lifestyle;
  • An understanding of how much you need to and would like to earn;
  • A knowledge about how to set up a business correctly from the start so you have the chance to get the freedom, flexibility and funds you would like from it;
  • A list of clear actionable steps involved in setting up a business.

Do you want to have more autonomy and control over your work hours and location? Are you thinking you would love to work for yourself but you don’t know what you would do or how to begin? Is working for yourself not delivering the flexibility, funds and freedom it promised?This package is for you.

Fast forward through a bunch of common mistakes and obstacles when setting up your own business by joining this all-day workshop which will help you figure out what you want to do and how to do it.

Attendees will receive a 40 page coursebook that we will work through together. This workshop will cover the following topics:

Chapter 1 Setting Yourself up for Success
The Overwhelm-Busting To-Do List

Chapter 2 Figuring Out Your Ideal Work Day
What Am I Good At?
Current Vs. Ideal Day
My Dream Work Day
Jobs You Didn’t Know Existed or Never Considered
Getting Closer to Finding My Dream Job

Chapter 3 Boundaries
The Challenges of the Entrepreneur Life
Peer Support
Setting Up Work Hours
Establishing an Inspiring Work Space

Chapter 4 Self-Care & Impostor Syndrome 
Building a Self-Care Toolkit
Dealing with Impostor Syndrome
Flood the Bad Habits with Good

Chapter 5 Steps to Setting Up Your Business
Steps to Setting Up A Business
Freelancers You Need to Hire Sooner Than You Think

Chapter 6 Money, Money, Money
Changing Financial Situation
Spreading the Bills
Breaking Even and More
What Next?

The Highlight of the Day: The workshop will end with each person taking the hotseat to combat their current obstacles with their peers.

Dee Safieh is the Queen of the Spreadsheets, managing Operations and Events for multiple companies and charities for over 15 years. Dee has spent much of her life in the charity sector, as a fundraiser for humanitarian and development projects in Palestine. Most recently she was working for J.Nichole Smith Ltd, helping entrepreneurs build brands that matter. Previous to that, she was working with St John, fundraising for their hospitals and clinics in Jerusalem and Gaza. She has a frenchie called Lola, a little terror of a cat called Butters (yes, as in from South Park) and has recently adopted a blind, disabled, overweight snake called Bumblebee.


I loved my job. I was a fundraiser for charities with projects in my home country and I was good at it. Really good actually. And I loved my colleagues and supporters so much. They were genuinely like family, but still, I had no time for my actual family and the idea of starting my own felt so implausible. Even though nature was gently yet cruelly telling me it was now-ish or never. Weekends were no longer for excursions and adventures. They were recovery periods. If I had one activity booked at all in the entire weekend, I would feel anxiety at the thought of it. So I needed to think outside the box. It is so ingrained in us to get a stable 9-5 and then go for every promotion possible that it can be difficult to get out of that mindset and think of alternatives. But I did it and I decided I wanted to find meaningful work that helps people, but is flexible enough that I can fit it around whatever I want to do, whether that’s yoga at 11am on a Thursday, day drinking on a Tuesday afternoon or eventually having a family of my own. And I can show you how too.


The Hampshire Hog The Hampshire Hog, 225-227 King St, W6 9JT London


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