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Echo Photowalk - The night is dark and full of... treasures!

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Echo Photowalk - The night is dark and full of... treasures!

De Gratuito



Sep 29 2017 19:00 - 22:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Reserva con confianza: Billetto garantiza reembolsos por eventos cancelados, para tu tranquilidad. Lee más


Friday 29 September 2017

Meet 7:00pm / Drinks 9:30pm / End 10:00pm

This Echo Photowalk is FREE to attend.

Meeting point: - Podium Bar & Kitchen

We're on a mission to help you improve your photography skills, meet your neighbours and celebrate local culture, by bringing together photographers of all abilities to explore everything we love about our patch of East London.

To celebrate our last Echo Photowalk of the series, we've decided switch things up by turning the lights out. You'll be taken on a guided tour of the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park at night time with Simon Cole of Hackney Tours and local photographer Frank Da Silva. After all, the night is dark and full of... treasures!

You'll also get an inspiring introduction to night photography by our special guest photographer Peter Li and a chance to explore both the technical and creative sides of night photography surrounded by some of East London's most iconic venues.

Join us on a 2-hour walk as we embrace the world of long exposures, high ISOs, and wide apertures, and discover what it takes to snap stunning abstract or surreal night time photographs.

Bring your cameras, along with a tripod if you have one and any other lights (torches, bike lights, coloured LEDs) you may like to throw into the mix. Don't worry if all you have is a camera, we'll have some tripods and lights with us for people to spin and twirl to get some beautiful effects. Ooo la la!

If that wasn't enough, we'll wrap things up at a local bar at 9:30pm, where we can all grab a drink, get to know everyone, share tips, rest those feet and settle into the weekend.

** Tickets are limited so click below to reserve your place **

This event is free to attend, however, you'll need to join Echo at in order to confirm your booking. It's free to join and just takes a minute - see below for full details.

What you’ll need:

  • Camera / phone
  • Water / snacks
  • Warm clothing
  • Waterproof / Umbrella
  • Comfortable footwear

New to Echo?

This Echo Photowalk is free to attend. If you're not already a member, you'll need to join the community at - it's free and just takes a minute.

The good news, simply by signing up you'll unlock a 5 Echo credit which you can use to spend on the Echo marketplace with our community of 4,000+ professionals and businesses.

On the day, the Echo team will be on hand to explain ways that you can earn Echoes to come to future Echo events like this one, attend inspirational workshops, or trade your skills in our moneyless marketplace.

How to attend:

1. Reserve your ticket via Billetto

2. Sign up to Echo at to confirm your ticket (it's free!)

3. See you on the 29th Sept!



The Podium Bar & Kitchen, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, E20 2AD London


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    Si se ponen más entradas a la venta, se te notificará (por correo electrónico) a ti y a otros que se han apuntado en la lista. Las entradas se compran por orden de llegada. Para obtener más información, consulta este artículo.

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    Consulta la página de confirmación de tu pedido o el correo electrónico de confirmación del pedido. Normalmente, el organizador del evento proporciona los detalles en el correo electrónico de confirmación del pedido o puede enviarte un correo electrónico de seguimiento con un enlace al evento en línea. También puedes leer la descripción del evento en Billetto, donde el organizador del evento debe incluir instrucciones sobre cómo unirse al evento en línea. Para obtener más información sobre esto, consulta este artículo.

  • ¿Qué es la garantía de reembolso y por qué la necesitaría?

    La garantía de reembolso te da la seguridad de que, si por circunstancias imprevistas e inevitables no puedes asistir a un evento, podrás pedir un reembolso. Para obtener más información sobre esto, consulta este artículo.

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