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Denbies Chocolate Fair

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Denbies Chocolate Fair

De Gratuito



Mar 25 2018 10:00 - 16:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Reserva con confianza: Billetto garantiza reembolsos por eventos cancelados, para tu tranquilidad. Lee más


The chocolatiers are back at Denbies for the 3rd year - bringing an extensive selection of bean-to-bar, luxury, handmade and exclusive chocolate creations to this FREE ENTRY event.

Doors are open from 10am to 4pm, so join us for six hours of chocolate luxury, while discovering the stories behind the chocolatiers, and the passion that drives them to perfection.

Come along to browse, sample, and buy from award-winning chocolateirs.

With an on-site conservatory cafe, farm and gift shop, micro brewery, wine tours, and a fully-serviced restaurant, enjoy a day out for the whole family.


All pre-booked ticket received in the designated prize draw collection box at the event on the 25th March 2018 will be entered in to a free PRIZE DRAW.

One ticket will be drawn prior to the closing of the event, to select the winner of a chocolate-filled hamper.


This year we have a FREE talk and information session hosted by the Grenada Tourism Authority who will talk you through the islands attractions, the cocoa and rum production and visitor information. Gain a personal insight in to Grenada and what it has to offer as a holiday destination. Samples of their rum will be available on the Windward Trading stand in the main event area of the Garden Room.

2.30pm CHOCOLATE TASTING & WINE PAIRING: £5 per person (over 18's only)
This tasting session is hosted by exhibiting chocolatier Fifth Dimension Chocolates and includes samples from their chocolate collection, as well as other exhibitors. The chocolatier will guide you through a brief history of chocolate, look at the sustainability of the artisan producer, and discuss how they have created their selected chocolates and truffle flavours. They will also give you an introduction in to chocolate tasting, outline how to taste and what to look for in quality chocolate. This is followed by a chocolate pairing with a Denbies wine.

Advance session booking is advised for both the Pure Grenada free talk, and the Fifth Dimension Chocolate Tasting. Limited session tickets will only be available to purchase at the event subject to availability.


Denbies Wine Estate Denbies Wine Estate, London Rd, RH5 6AA Dorking


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