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Demijohn Terrarium workshop at Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses

tapahtuma päättyi

Demijohn Terrarium workshop at Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses

Alkaen GBP 45.00



29 Heinä 2017 12:00 - 13:45


Terrarium Workshop

Join us to learn how to build your own Demijohn Terrarium. Ship-in-a-bottle style glass garden.

These beautiful vintage wine-making bottles make the most eye-catching terrariums. We will show you all the techniques and give you the tools to create these from scratch.

We will explain the history of Terrariums, how to care for them and the ideal plants to fill them with. You will be provided with everything you need to create your own ecosystem. We will have a range of plants for you to choose from including Fittonia, Ivy/Fern and Moss as well as a large sealable glass demijohn. We will guide you through creating your own terrarium which will be all yours to take home at the end of the session.

You will leave with a care guide for your terrarium, as well as receiving a digital document which will tell you all you need to know about how to make more terrariums as we know they can be quite addictive!

Tea, Coffee and light refreshments will be provided, all in the beautiful surroundings of Brockwell Community Greenhouses. Also, you are welcome to BYOB if you like.


How big are these and how do I get them home?

These are about H34cm by W17cm. They are built to be easily transported by using the finger holes at the top of the jar, however if you have a strong tote bag you can bring along this will help.

What are my transport/parking options getting to the event?

Limited parking is available in front of the Brockwell Lido and is free for 2 hours. On street parking is also available around the park - we recommend one of the roads off of Dulwich Road e.g. Shakespeare Road (free parking on Saturdays) and taking a nice morning walk (10 mins) through the park to the greenhouses. The Greenhouses are only accessible by foot, walk up from the Lido and follow the signs.

Where can I contact the organiser with any questions?

Is my registration/ticket transferrable?

Yes, if you are unable to attend tickets can be used by someone else. Please contact us directly if you are unable to make it on the day and we will try to fit you onto another workshop.

Terrarium workshop London | Terrarium course London | London Terrarium Workshop | London Terrarium Course


Hi! We are passionate about terrariums and have been making and working with them for 5+ years now. We love meeting the lovely people that come to our workshops and seeing the joy that comes from making a beautiful ecosystem from scratch.


Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses , Brockwell Park, London, SE24 0PA London

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