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Dairy-free cooking

Veranstaltung beendet

Dairy-free cooking

Von 870,00 GBP


Mehrere Zeitschlitze

27 Januar 2020 - 27 März 2020


TRAIN A TEAM OF UP TO 6 FOR £725 (£870 inclusive of VAT) in your own kitchens, or one of our London venues*

Cow’s milk consumption has definitely seen a huge reduction in recent years with more and more alternatives widely available in supermarkets and coffee shops, both local and high street chains. 

And it’s not a temporary trend. Mintel (global provider of market research) states that the UK plant milk sales have grown by 30% since 2015 and globally the industry is estimated to be worth $16 billions. 

Dairy/lactose- free was the fastest growing segment in 2017/18 for the 'free-from' grab-and-go food product category.  

Added to this, the number of UK people adopting a Vegan diet has grown by 360% in the last decade.  

That's a LOT of customers requiring dairy-free options when dining out 

If you're not catering well for these customers, chances are your competitors will be.

This course is specifically designed for Restaurants, Hotels, Cafes and other food-service businesses, to provide them with the knowledge and skills required to introduce new and adapt their existing menus to include dairy-free dishes, so they can attract more customers.

This is an in-house onsite service where our experienced team of chefs come to YOU, so your team learn with your equipment, building on their knowledge, skills, and ideas, to ensure they can easily implement everything they learn into your day-to-day operations.

Cooking with plant milks is different to working with dairy milk.  There are a great variety of different plant milks available, and they all have their own unique taste, texture and protein structure, and so knowledge of how to use them in different dishes to bring out the best flavour and texture is needed. 

This course will provide you with the principles, techniques, information on the different plant based milks so that your team can make delicious, innovative dishes that will make any food loving customer needing or wanting to remove dairy from their diet very happy.

This Training course covers:

  • An extensive overview of plant-based milks, and the different tastes, textures and protein structures, so you can create wonderful tasting dairy-free dishes
  • An extensive overview of the principles of using plant based milks to achieve great flavour and texture in different dishes, savoury or sweet
  • Learn which ingredients often unexpectedly contain dairy elements, so you can avoid using these when creating your dairy-free dishes
  • Learn about the operational considerations for catering to customers wanting dairy-free dishes, in the context of storage of ingredients, creating segregated workflows, separate equipment etc, to avoid cross-contamination (taking into consideration HACCP & regulations)
  • Learn the HUGE variety of plant-based milks, their protein structures and how each can be used to make everything from desserts, sauces, and more
  • Learn about the nutrition of each of the plant-based milks, and their functional benefits
  • Learn about the protein structures of each of the ingredients, and how they are best paired with other ingredients to provide nutritionally balanced dishes
  • You'll enjoy tastings throughout the session, and all recipes provided

Other dates exist, book here

Fee: £870 for up to 6 attendees, inclusive of VAT, which includes all food ingredients and copies of recipes

Cancellation / Refunds: We require at least 7 days' notice for any cancellations or transfers once classes have been booked.  We regret that refunds can not be granted if this minimum cancellation period is not provided.

For information, or further questions: info@sustainablekitchen.co.uk, 07810311742

* Our London training venues are located in Clapham, Victoria and London Bridge.  An additional hire fee will be charged for use of one of these venues.


We are an experienced team of Nutrition trained Chefs

Helping Retail and Food-service businesses create planet-friendly, healthy food for environmental & health conscious customers


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