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Cycle Speed Dating | women/men, 30+ | London

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Cycle Speed Dating | women/men, 30+ | London

Fra 14,00 GBP



27. Juni 2017, 19:00 - 21:30
Billetto Peace of Mind
Stressfri booking: Billetto garanterer refusjon ved avlyste eventer. Les mer


please note the event location has changed to the Lmnh kitchen in Whitechapel due to a rain forecast

. It's we're taking Cycle Speed Dating outside. Join us for a fun night and meet new people, offline in a relaxed and friendly environment - al fresco!

We give you a few minutes of quality time with fellow cyclists - just enough time to decide if you'd like to see eachother again. Think classic speed dating with bike-twists and no dress code!

Cycle Speed Dating is for anyone who likes bicycles. Our events are for all types of cyclists - from Boris bike weekend riders to Olympic cyclists, roadies, Brompton lovers and tourers.

At the end of the night you tell us who you'd like to see again. A few days after the event we'll be in touch with your matches. Tickets include a beer.

Looking for a night with a different age range/ orientation? Drop us a line!

We will kick off at 7.30pm, please come and register from 7pm. Bring a sweater.

Click here for a sneak peak of the location!

Like us on Facebook or follow on Twitter for the latest news!

Please note tickets are not refundable and we have the right to cancel the event at any time in which case you will receive a refund. This event is aimed at folk aged 30 and up, men get to date women and women get to date men. Everybody is welcome at our events. Love has no labels. Age is just a number. We refer to ‘men’ and ‘women’ but are aware there are many other shades of gender identity as well as orientation.

Interested in a men only, women only or bi-cycle speed dating? Different age range? Email us at cyclespeeddating at gmail dot com to register your interest x

Please find an overview of FAQ below and don't hesitate to email us if you have any further questions.


Who are you?
We love cycling and everything that comes with it. We want to contribute to a positive London cycling culture. We also want to give like-minded people the chance to meet eachother, offline.

Where does the Cycle Speed Dating event take place?
We've been doing it at different locations, this event will take place at Look Mum No Hands!' Summer pop-up in central London - exact location to be announced.

o I need to purchase my ticket in advance?
Yes, please do buy your ticket in advance, we want to get the balance right between the number of men and women so please book your ticket as soon as possible.

Do I need to own a bike?
We think being a cyclist is more than owning a bike. We welcome everyone who feels like a cyclist. It's in the heart.

Can I bring a friend?
It's great to go on a speed dating session with a group of friends. You will surely make some memories! Everyone attending the event needs to hold a ticket. If you bring people for support, they can hang out in the café without a ticket during the event but can't participate.

I bought a ticket, now what?
Please wait for an email confirmation. We'll send you an email with all details a few days before the event.

I can't make it after all, can I get a refund?

Under some circumstances we can refund your ticket, but in general we can't, sorry! Feel free to pass you ticket on to someone who can make it (just make sure to update the information we hold). If you can't make it we kindly ask you to let us know.

Can I attend on my own?
Yes, this is the place to meet like-minded people and maybe even a very special person. If you're coming on your own then please don't be scared as there will be awesome souls around this evening. We're in it together.

Can I bring my bike?
Absolutely! Lots of space to lock it up and show it off in front of the venue!

It's my first time, what's a speed date like?
A speed date is a short date. This way you can meet several people with similar interests in one evening.

The dates last three to four minutes, which is often enought to find out if you would like to see someone again.

We will split in two groups, one group will stay seated while the other group will change seats every three minutes when we ring the bicycle bell. The evening is split in two sessions. During the break you can relax for a little bit and grab a drink before the second session starts.

Everyone attending the event will receive a piece of paper on which notes can be made about the people you meet and to let us know who you would like to meet again. After the event we will email you to let you know if there was a match. A match is when you both want to see each other again.

Cycle Speed Dating has brought couples together and also friendships have been formed since we started in 2013. It's also a good way to 'practise' dating and to get to know new people.

What happens if I like someone during the event?
Everyone attending the event will receive a piece of paper on which you can make notes about the people you meet and let us know if you would like to meet someone again. After the event we will email you to let you know if there was a match. A match is when you both want to see each other again.And of course, if you want, you can tell someone you like him/her during the event!

Does age matter?
Age is just a number, but based on experiences and feedback, we have decided to organise events for different age groups. This is not set in stone though. Email us at if you're unsure.

My age is not in the age range of the event, can I sign up anyway?
We have based the age range on research and experiences, but you will know best if this is the event for you.

What do I wear?
Come as you are.

What does my ticket include?
Your ticket includes one free drink, the professional hosting at Look Mum No Hands! during the event and an email afterwards with your matches.

I find it hard to start a conversation with a stranger, help?
We have chosen a wonderful location for the event which will make you feel at ease. Next to that we will provide little inspiration cards and items on the tables during the event to get the conversation started. Don't forget you probably have three things in common to start with: you're a cyclist, a Londoner and you're single!

What do I do when I don't like someone three minutes can take forever?
We will provide little inspiration cards and items on the tables during the event to help you get to know the person next to you. You might be surprised!

How do I contact you?
Please contact us via and we will get back to you as soon as we can.


Look Mum No Hands Kitchen , 101 back church lane, SE1 2HB London

Hjelp - FAQ

  • Jeg har ikke mottatt billetten min på e-post. Hva gjør jeg?

    Først bør du sjekke reklame og søppelpost på din e-post. Billettene dine ble sendt som et vedlegg og kan ha blitt sortert som reklame hos noen e-posttjenester. Du kan også finne billettene dine på Billetto-kontoen din, som du har tilgang til i nettleseren eller i Billettos app. Les mer her dersom du trenger hjelp.

  • Jeg vil kansellere billetten min og få refusjon. Hva gjør jeg?

    Det er eventarrangøren som kan godkjenne refusjoner, og du bør ta kontakt med eventarrangøren for å diskutere hvilke alternativer som er tilgjengelig for deg. Du kommer i kontakt med arrangøren ved å svare på e-posten med ordrebekreftelsen eller ved å bruke skjemaet "Kontakt arrangøren" på arrangørens profil. Les mer her dersom du trenger hjelp.

  • Jeg har registrert meg på en venteliste. Hva skjer nå?

    Hvis flere billetter bli tilgjengelig, får du beskjed (på e-post) sammen med andre som også har registrert seg på listen. Her følger vi prinsippet "førstemann til mølla". For mer informasjon, klikk her.

  • Hvor finner jeg lenkene til netteventer?

    Sjekk siden eller e-posten med ordrebekreftelsen din. Vanligvis har arrangøren av eventet inkludert informasjon i ordrebekreftelsen, som sendes på e-post, eller så sender de gjerne en oppfølging på e-post med lenke til netteventet. Det kan også være lurt å lese eventets beskrivelse på Billetto, hvor eventets arrangør beskriver hvordan du deltar på netteventet. For mer informasjon, klikk her.

  • Hva er avbestillingsbeskyttelse, og hvorfor trenger jeg det?

    Med avbestillingsbeskyttelse har du rett til å kreve refusjon dersom det skulle oppstå uforventede eller uunngåelige omstendinger som kan komme i veien for din deltakelse på et event. For mer informasjon, klikk her.

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