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Cycle Speed Dating | Valentine | men/women all ages

l'evento è terminato

Cycle Speed Dating | Valentine | men/women all ages

Da GBP 15,00



Feb 16 2018 19:00 - 22:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Happy Valentine! Join us at the LMNH Kitchen in Whitechapel for speed dates with fellow bicycle loving Londoners. Your ticket includes a drink and an email with your matches the day after the event. Please pre-book!

In December 2013 we organised the first Cycle Speed Dating at Look Mum No Hands! Over four years later we've welcomed hundreds of Cycle Speed Daters, organised events at different locations and have Cycle Speed Dating couples and friendships.

During this session women get to date men and men get to date women but there will be plenty of opportunities to get to know everybody else. This classic speed dating with bike twists!

Find a date, a mate or someone to ride with! Like us on Facebook or follow on Twitter for the latest news.

Please note tickets are not refundable and we have the right to cancel the event at any time in which case you will receive a refund. This event is open to anyone and you will 'date' other attendees of the event.

Not in London but want Cycle Speed Dating in your city? Get in touch!

Please find an overview of FAQ below and don't hesitate to email us if you have any further questions.


Who are you?
We love cycling and everything that comes with it. We want to contribute to a positive (London) cycling culture. We also want to give like-minded people the chance to meet eachother, offline.

Where does the Cycle Speed Dating event take place?
We've been doing it at different locations, this event will take place at Look Mum No Hands! - LMNH Kitchen in Whitechapel.

o I need to purchase my ticket in advance?
Yes, please do buy your ticket in advance, we want to make sure we get the balance right!

Do I need to own a bike?
We think being a cyclist is more than owning a bike. We welcome everyone who feels like a cyclist. It's in the heart.

Can I bring a friend?
It's great to go on a speed dating session with a group of friends. You will surely make some memories! Everyone attending the event needs to hold a ticket.

I bought a ticket, now what?
Please wait for an email confirmation. We'll send you an email with all details a few days before the event.

I can't make it after all, can I get a refund?
Under some circumstances we can refund your ticket, but in general we can't, sorry! Feel free to pass you ticket on to someone who can make it (just make sure to update the information we hold). If you can't make it we kindly ask you to let us know.

Can I attend on my own?
Yes, this is the place to meet like-minded people and maybe even a very special person. If you're coming on your own then please don't be scared as there will be awesome souls around this evening. We're in it together.

Can I bring my bike?
Absolutely! Lots of space to lock it up and show it off in front of the venue!

What happens if I like someone during the event?
Everyone attending the event will receive a piece of paper on which you can make notes about the people you meet and let us know if you would like to meet someone again. After the event we will email you to let you know if there was a match. A match is when you both want to see each other again.And of course, if you want, you can tell someone you like him/her during the event!

What do I wear?
Come as you are.

What does my ticket include?
Your ticket includes one free drink, the professional hosting at Look Mum No Hands! during the event and an email afterwards with your matches. And as it's our birthday - there'll be prizes to win!

How do I contact you?
Please contact us via and we will get back to you as soon as we can.


Luogo dell'evento

Look Mum No Hands! Lmnh Kitchen, 101 Back Church Lane, E1 1L4 London


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