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Crystal Healing Workshop

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Crystal Healing Workshop

Fra GBP 30,00



01 feb 2018 kl. 19:00 - 21:30


Crystal healing is considered as a branch of vibrational medicine. A simple definition for Vibrational Medicine is; the use of energies or vibrational frequencies to restore or maintain good health in an individual.

Every aspect of the body, mind and spirit has a distinct frequency that can be measured and altered. Each has a range of frequencies that are healthy and those that are unhealthy. The body and soul are made up of frequencies that form a harmonic whole when a person is in balance. When the frequencies fall out-of- tune due to stress and tension, this tends to result in disease. Vibrational Medicine (often referred to as Vibrational Healing) is the art and science of consciously bringing those vibrational frequencies back into harmonic alignment through the use of vibratory tools, including light, colour, sound, crystals and aromatherapy. Once harmony is restored, the disease tends to lose its grip and often falls away.

Crystals are, in essence, a set of vibratory tools. Human beings are highly mutable, and extremely emotional, so they easily fall out of tune. The atoms of crystals, on the other hand, are arranged in fixed, regularly repeating patterns. Because they are so orderly, they have the lowest possible state of entropy; that is to say, they have a very high state of internal organisation.

This workshop is a great opportunity for anyone who would like to delve deeper into holistic healing, vibrational medicine, learning how to work with crystals and applying them to ourselves or Loved ones.

In this workshop we will each be given a little starter pack that we will work with throughout the workshop and take home with us to begin our experience with crystal healing.

This includes:

  • 1 set of 7 crystals associated to each chakra for each person to take home
  • A small sage stick for cleansing our crystals
  • A small natural fibre bag to keep crystals in

During the workshop we will learn:

  • How crystals work
  • Different properties and healing benefits of some crystals
  • Bringing the mind, body and Spirit into harmony using crystals
  • How to cleanse/charge/program our crystals
  • All about our chakras and applying crystals to work in balancing our chakras
  • Meditating with Crystals
  • How to prepare Crystal Elixirs

Please feel free to bring any crystals you already own, and a notebook/journal and pen to take notes in if you wish. Wear anything you feel most comfortable in and a bag or pockets to take the book and crystals home with you as we Love to minimise waste and won't have any plastic/paper bags.

I look forward to welcoming you and unlocking the true potential of some of nature's most magnificent healing gifts.

With a warm heart and copious amounts of Love,






South Kensington, Location to be confirmed in follow up email, SW7 London


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