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Conversations with Pussy

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Conversations with Pussy

Von 40,00 GBP



11. August 2018, 19:00 Uhr - 22:00


You are invited to Conversations with Pussy..

So what is Conversations with Pussy exactly? Conversations with Pussy is a movement to empower women to ignite their freedom and articulate their wisdom by speaking up about the feminine power house: THEIR PUSSY.

Does the word Pussy ignite something inside you that doesn’t feel empowered and liberating? You and 90% of the women I speak to experience the same thing! Follow this link to unravel the word.

This event is for all women who are ready for CHANGE. Who wish to heal, empower and rediscover their deepest wisdom and innate gifts. Women who feel disconnected from pleasure and intimacy, who wish to transmute Pussy pain. Women who wish to step out of what was, take hold of NOW and tune into what can be.

In this gathering we will be sitting in Sister Circle, ingesting the medicine of Cacao to sweetly open up our heart space. Along with this we will infuse our experience with live sound healing led by Sound Awakening to allow our bodies to soften. Once we’re all feeling ripe we will open up the Conversation. The Conversation with Pussy.

In this conversation, we will bust through any stickiness we feel around the way we articulate & vocalise our experience around the word PUSSY.

We will then tune into our Pussy through meditation and weave a safe space to share and own our Pussy’s truth. By speaking from our Pussy, we allow a new dimension of empowered living to flourish from within us. We unleash ourself from the burdens of shame. We throw away ideas of right or and wrong in order to give ourself the spaciousness to embody the deepest sense of our womaness.

Grace Hazel and Sound Awakening welcome you on this unique and revolutionary journey to owning your Pussy. She’s wise, STRONG AF and will sure as hell have an transformational message for you.

WHO would benefit from coming to this event?

Basically anyone who has a Pussy!

Are you looking to reignite and revolutionise your life?

To tune into your life force and creativity?

Would you like to empower your experience of sensuality and pleasure?

Are you searching for a way to uncover a real, authentic vibrancy for life?

Do you wish to transform & transmute anything that has happened to you before this moment, and create a new ecstatic experience for yourself?

Then this event is FOR YOU!

Further details

Location: Yoke, Unit 3a Stamford Works Gillet Square Dalston, Gillett St, London N16 8JH

Date: Saturday 11th August

Time: 7pm - 10pm

Price: £43.36

About the facilitators of this event:

Grace Hazel: Grace is passionate about Vibrant, Self Evolution. She creates healing experiences through workshops, retreats, and 1-1 sessions which focus on empowering women who experience disconnect from their innate gifts of pleasure, healing and intimacy. You can find out more about her on her website and on Instagram.

Louise, Sound Awakening: Louise is a sound healer working with sound and gentle plant medicines to help bring people back into a state of peace and harmony in alignment with the rhythms of nature. She holds space for people to switch off from the outside world and tune into the body to release stress, relax deeply and enjoy a deeper sense of peace and well-being whilst reconnecting with the self and our environment. Louise works with The Earth Gong, Tibetan Singing bowls, Koshi chimes, and various percussive and tuned instruments.

ANY QUESTIONS, please get in touch. x




Yoke Dalston Yoke Dalston, Unit 3a Stamford Works Gillet Square Dalston, N16 8JH London


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