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Connecting Sources by Los little guys Intensive Workshop

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Connecting Sources by Los little guys Intensive Workshop

Von 40,00 GBP



22. Oktober 2018, 11:00 Uhr - 25. Oktober 2018, 17:00 Uhr


"Los little guys" is a physical dance theatre collaboration initiated in 2017 by Erik Elizondo and Dimitri Kalaitzidis after studying at the Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance in Austria. Since their foundation los little guys have engaged in residencies, presented work, and offered workshops and classes in Germany, USA, Mexico, and Canada and will soon be engaging in new projects in India and the UK.

In this workshop Los little guys will focus on components of physical research through the study of improvisation, floor techniques, and structured material in order to discover the complexities and range of our movement potential.

The goal is to develop an understanding of the sources of movement patterns in order to bring clarity and depth into the way we enact physicality and movement research.

Specific Objectives

- Build strength to increase accessibility to physical research.
- Improve stamina in order to moderate the way energy is spent during physical practice.
- Discover new range and functions of the body.
- Enable the physicalization of both anatomical and abstract concepts of movement.
- Increase concentration to heighten perception of physical changes in the body.
- Utilize momentum for efficiency and expansive mobilization.
- Enhance sensitivity to dynamics of time, space, and rhythm.
- Identify the impact of presence and actions amidst instant composition.

Morning Practice 11-1pm

The morning practice will focus on the study of the motor mechanics of moving into, out of, and around the floor. We will work on how to exert energy efficiently using various surfaces of the body as mobilizers. We will place an emphasis on properties of physics to reduce strain and increase expansiveness. 

Afternoon Practice 2-5pm

The second part of the practice will focus on improvisational structures. Originating from a stable position we will begin to explore how pressure through the feet shift the body from the ground upwards. Increasing the intensity of this exploration we will introduce a system of axes in order to localize the origin of movement. Each axis will be granted the potential to move independently of one another encouraging the multifunctionality of the body, being not one set structure, but rather one constructed of moveable parts. Having established these principles of movement origin we will begin to involve principles of time, space, rhythm, and intensity allowing for our foundation to become a resource for personal research and discovery.

Integrating high intensity set material at the end of each day, we will make space for the active exploration of spatial consciousness, timing, rhythm, and dynamism. By offering difficult technical phrases we challenge the mind to record quickly, pick up details, and make choices of performativity while simultaneously increasing endurance.



Please note, if you are doing the workshop you can attend the 9:30am YOGA class at a bargain rate: £7
Book two workshops and get 10% off the Early Bird Price! contact: workshops.tripspace@gmail.com



TripSpace - TripYoga & TripDance TripSpace - TripYoga & TripDance, Railway Arch 339, Acton Mews, E8 4EA Haggerston


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