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Cirque Du Chennai: Winter edition In aid of Rethink

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Cirque Du Chennai: Winter edition In aid of Rethink

Von 10,00 GBP



02. November 2019, 18:30 Uhr - 22:00


Cirque Du Chennai 2019 will be hosted by The Arthur Cotterell Theatre (ACT) in Kingston College on Saturday 2nd November with doors opening at 6.30pm and showtime at 7pm. The cost of admission is £15 for adults, £10 for children and concessions and all proceeds will go towards the charity Rethink mental illness. They improve the lives of people severely affected by mental illness through their network of local groups and services, expert information and successful campaigning. Their goal is to make sure everyone affected by severe mental illness has a good quality of life.

The event will feature Trapeze artists, Aerial Silks performers, Contortion, Cabaret acts, Burlesque, Comedy and much more.

There will be a raffle and a cash bar available, everything used in the show has been sourced locally where possible as an attempt to put back into the local economy too. This year we will be attempting to lower the events carbon footprint by investing in reusable cups for the bar. Feel free to bring your own reusable cups, otherwise you will need to deposit £2 on top of your first drink, and keep hold of your cup. If you want to take it home you can, or deposit it at the bar at the end of the night for your £2 deposit back! 

This year we have a limited amount of special offer family tickets, grab them fast and save a tenner!

You can also reserve tickets by emailing cirqueduchennai@hotmail.co.uk. If there are any tickets left you will be able to buy on the door on the night, but you should buy ahead just in case we sell out!

Cirque Du Chennai provides an unusual opportunity for amateurs and professionals in the circus genre to perform for the first time or to test out material before taking it on the road. It’s about performers and audiences alike having fun and discovering new and exciting talents, all whilst raising money and helping the local economy.

This is the 6th edition of the show and the standard of performance and talent has get higher and higher year on year. That makes it an absolute bargain price for the quality of show that you will receive. Absolutely breathtaking...

(NB: This is a family friendly show, some content may be unsuitable for very young children and if you are easily offended then it may not be for you. There will be mild nudity, of which Audience warnings will be given if you feel the need to leave at that point (you may return afterwards). Please email or PM us to find out more or if you have any questions)

Concession tickets include students,  children (under 18), OAP, disabled and anyone supporting disabled persons. 


A circus variety show in aid of a different charity every year, offering performers and audiences an opportunity to perform, and be wowed!


Arthur Cotterell Theatre Arthur Cotterell Theatre, Kingston College, Kingston Hall Road, KT1 2AQ Kingston Upon Thames


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