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Cacao Sound Ceremony

tapahtuma päättyi

Cacao Sound Ceremony

Alkaen GBP 32.00


An intimate, heart opening ceremony working with the medicines of Cacao and Alchemy Crystal Bowls. In this ceremony we will be reflecting on how far we have come this year; acknowledging the blessings and the burdens that have come our way and releasing the old to clear space and set intentions for 2021 going forward.  

Cacao is a beautiful, gentle, heart healing medicine that can help bring clarity where we are feeling unclear, focus where we are feeling scattered and clearing where we are stagnated and stuck. This medicine helps us access realms that are often unavailable to us when we are too caught up in the head and enables connection with the subconscious realms where deep seated healing can take place. With Cacao we drop down from the head into the heart where we can navigate with feeling instead of thought. Cacao helps disperse any blockages around the heart and coupled with the vibrations from the therapeutic sounds we experience healing at a cellular level to rebalance the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies.

This intimate ceremony will give us the space and time to tune into the stillness within to connect to our deepest intuition, release any blockages that may be present, bring clarity to any areas that need our attention and help us enjoy a deep sense of peace and well-being. 

We will mindfully drink the Cacao experiencing it’s warmth and presence in the body and you will then lie down to be bathed in relaxing vibrations from alchemy crystal bowls and other instruments as these medicines do their healing work. There is nothing for you to do but surrender and receive as you take an inner voyage with the sounds as your guide.

Comforting tea will be provided after the ceremony as we enjoy some time to share and write down any insights or wisdom that you've gained, whilst basking in the cacao glow : )) 

The studio is deep cleaned before each class, with floors steamed also
All of the spaces for yoga mats will be marked out
Please bring your own yoga mat, blanket and cushion for added comfort
Please practice Social Distancing for arrival and exit at the studio and wear a mask at these times 


- Cacao contains theobromine which stimulates the system much in the same way as caffeine can. If you have a sensitivity to caffeine then please consult with me and we will discuss giving you a lower dosage.
- Cacao can react with anti depressants causing headaches so please let me know if you are on any medication before booking.


There is a 72hr cancellation policy on this event, no refunds will be issued after this time.



Soma Lab Soma Lab, Unit 2, 231 Church St, N16 9HP London

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  • Haluan peruuttaa lippuni ja saada rahani takaisin. Mitä minun pitäisi tehdä?

    Palautusten käsittely on tapahtuman järjestäjän harkinnassa, sinun on otettava yhteyttä tapahtuman järjestäjään selvittääksesi käytössä olevat vaihtoehdot. Voit ottaa yhteyttä tapahtuman järjestäjään vastaamalla tilausvahvistussähköpostiin tai käyttämällä järjestäjän profiilissa olevaa "Ota yhteyttä järjestäjään" -lomaketta. Lisätietoa löydät täältä.

  • Olen ilmoittautunut jonotuslistalle, mitä nyt tapahtuu?

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  • Mistä löydän linkin verkkotapahtumaan?

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  • Mikä on palautussuoja ja miksi tarvitsen sitä?

    Palautussuoja antaa sinulle varmuuden siitä, että jos ennakoimattomat ja väistämättömät tilanteet estävät sinua osallistumasta tapahtumaan, voit hakea hyvitystä. Lisätietoa löydät täältä.

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