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Brighton Psychedelic Integration Circle

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Brighton Psychedelic Integration Circle

De GBP 16,30



Oct 27 2019 10:00 - 13:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Reserva con confianza: Billetto garantiza reembolsos por eventos cancelados, para tu tranquilidad. Lee más



The Brighton Psychedelic Integration Circle is a safe, non-judgemental and confidential space for those who have used psychedelics or are considering using them. If you have had a challenging psychedelic experience and want to make sense of it, or wish to share a meaningful experience, then this is for you.

The circle is facilitated by a small team of psychologists/counsellors with experience in the field of psychedelic support and contemporary psychedelic therapy research. The aim of the circle is to promote integration of psychedelic experiences into everyday life in a way that is helpful and meaningful to the individual.

The circle runs on a monthly basis. We ask members to arrive 10 minutes before the start so we can check-in and start on time (late arrival may result in not being able to participate). The cost is £18 for each session. A limited number of concessionary tickets (£12) will be available. If you feel you would be entitled to a concession, please email us -

We encourage you to bring an object along that has personal meaning for you. It could represent your hopes/fears about the group or relate to your psychedelic experience. We place the objects in the middle of the circle when checking in. 

The circle does not permit use of psychedelics or other psychoactive drugs during group meetings. Integration works best with a clear mind. In accordance with the law, we neither encourage substance use, provide illicit substances, nor referrals to illegal psychedelic services.

Our team of facilitators:

Graham Campbell – Psychedelic Guide with the Psilocybin for depression study at Imperial College, MSc Neuroscience graduate from Kings College London and Consultant Psychiatrist

Greg Donaldson – Transpersonal Psychotherapist currently completing an MA in Psychosynthesis Psychotherapy; Psychedelic Guide with Imperial College 

Kevin Burns - Counsellor and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner; Director of The Psychedelic Society of Brighton

Maria Papaspyrou – Integrative Psychotherapist and Systemic Constellations Facilitator; Editor of 'Psychedelic Mysteries of the Feminine', book publication May 2019

Martin Lunn – Clinical Psychologist training in Psychedelic Assisted Therapy and Research at The California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco

Renée Harvey – Clinical Psychologist with Integral and Transpersonal approaches to therapy; Research Fellow with the current psilocybin trial at Imperial College London


The Loft at Little Dippers The Loft at Little Dippers, 42 Upper Gardner Street, BN1 4AN Brighton


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