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Big Fish Little Fish Sheffield 'Animal Fantastical' family rave with DJ Winston Hazel

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Big Fish Little Fish Sheffield 'Animal Fantastical' family rave with DJ Winston Hazel

Fra Gratis



02 okt 2016 kl. 14:00 - 16:30
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Take a walk on the wild side with Big Fish Little Fish as we return to Sheffield with our family fun for the post-rave generation of parents - helping them to be responsibly irresponsible since 2013. Our raves are designed to be as much fun for the adults as they are the children, and are social, daft, anarchic and creative spaces for all the family to enjoy.

Legendary Sheffield DJ Winston Hazel (Jive Turkey//Forgemasters//Kabal) plays (grown up) dance music on the multi-sensory dancefloor with glitter cannons, bubbles and giant parachute dance. Craft tables with themed crafts, giant colouring mural and playdoh table. Toddler play area with tents and tunnels and baby chillout space with mats and small ballpool. Licensed bar, free tattoo transfers and glowsticks. We'll have a cake stall serving delicious treats and the nice lolly company's handmade and all natural ice lollies to cool down with.

We're very proud award winners of the Family Arts Festival Audience Choice Award for Best Family Event in 2014 & 2015 and this rave is part of the 2016 national festival happening throughout October.

There are loads of events and activities happening throughout the country and you can search their site to find out about them at www.familyartsfestival.com.

Optional (but very much encouraged!) fancy dress: Animal Fantastical

For families with younger children (8's and under) though older siblings are welcome. Adults are not admitted unless accompanied by a child. A max of 3 children per adult. A max of 4 adults per child (and such groups must be pre-approved by emailing infoyorks@bigfishlittlefishevents.co.uk before buying tickets). Tickets are non-refundable but if anybody with tickets finds they cannot attend a sold-out event please email infoyorks@bigfishlittlefishevents.co.uk and BFLF will attempt to put you in touch with people seeking to buy tickets.

Each member of your group must have a ticket - Adult £8 // Child £6.50 and pre-walking infants free (but ticketed). More on the door (if available).

Important info:

- this is a standing/dancing event with limited seating. Please contact us if you have mobility issues

- please be prepared for the event to be busy - it is a rave!

- the event is conducted indoors with club lighting (no strobes), when entering please allow a few minutes for your eyes to adjust. Please no running!

- By entering you accept that you/your children’s image & video may be used in press and publicity for Big Fish Little Fish.

*Those who've already bought child tickets are in for the same treat too :)
*Terms: 1 token per 1 child ticket for the next 50 tickets sold. This will be given on entry to the club.


Plug, 14-16 Matilda St, S1 4QD Sheffield


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