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Beauty and the Beast (Eton Berkshire)

Eventet är avslutat

Beauty and the Beast (Eton Berkshire)

Från Gratis



2 sep 2017 18:30 - 22:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Boka tryggt med oss: Billetto garanterar återbetalning vid inställda event. Läs mer


Come and see the magic under the stars.

  • Saturday September 2nd
  • Doors open at sunset 18:00
  • Film to begin 19:30
  • Please bring blankets, chairs and items to keep warm.
  • Food and drinks available on site.
  • Early Bird tickets are £8:00 each. Until July 29th 2017.
  • Standard Tickets £10:00 from July 29th 2017.
  • Tickets purchased (subject to availability) on the door will be £13:00 (Cash, card, ApplePay).
  • Questions about the event contact The Open Air Cinema - or 01622 410188.
  • We openly encourage dressing up, dancing and singing along.

Beauty and the Beast PG

Belle (Emma Watson), a bright, beautiful and independent young woman, is taken prisoner by a beast (Dan Stevens) in its castle. Despite her fears, she befriends the castle's enchanted staff and learns to look beyond the beast's hideous exterior, allowing her to recognize the kind heart and soul of the true prince that hides on the inside.


What happens when I arrive?

When you arrive on site it would speed things up if you have your ticket with the bar code showing. This can be on paper or better still on your smart phone. If you are using your phone download the pdf that has the bar code on it and then take a screen grab of it. Keep it in your photos and we can scan it from there. This is important as there may not be a signal at the location. We will do all we can to make sure entry is speedy as possible. If in doubt get in touch before the event.

You will then be directed towards the screen that will be easily visible. Find the most comfortable position for your group. For the best experience don't be too close or too far away from the speakers there will be music being played to help you find your ideal spot.

Can I bring a picnic?

The Open Air Cinema will have a wide range of affordable, quality food and drinks available. With this in mind we ask that you do not bring picnics or similar.. There should be something for everyone, however if you have a question about the food on offer please call 02070 999516

Smoking, e-cigarettes, vaping and similar?

To ensure that everyone has a choice to smoke or not to smoke there will be a designated location for those who wish to use cigarettes, e-cigarettes or vaporisers. Please do not be offended if we invite you to use a dedicated location. Any questions about this feel free to ask a member of our event staff.

Why the different ticket prices?

We want to offer a good experience at a great price and encourage visitors to purchase tickets in advance. This ensures we have a better idea of numbers attending and allows us let those who didn't get tickets to not set off on a fruitless journey and thus avoid disappointment. In the end it allows us to run a safer and more enjoyable evening.

What if it rains?

You will receive an email on the day of the event if The Open Air Cinema or High Elms have to cancel the event due potential heavy rain or high winds that make it dangerous for the event to go ahead. Your booking fee will be retained buy Billetto. However by rebooking for the rescheduled event (we will email you a code) then there will be no additional booking fee to pay.



The Open Air Cinema is a touring Open-air and drive-in cinema. You'll find us holding magical events in, Kent, London, Surrey, and Sussex. Visit any of the links above and register with the relevant county and get some great perks. They can save you money and ensure that you never miss out on magical outdoor screenings again.

Did you know you can hire The Open Air Cinema for an all-day event or just a single evening screening? 

Follow this link and find out how your hire could be free.


Thames Valley Athletics Centre, Thames Valley Athletics Centre, SL4 6HN Windsor

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  • Jag har inte mottagit min biljett via mail. Vad ska jag göra?

    Det första du kan göra är att kontrollera din spam/skräppost och mailet hamnat där. Dina biljetter skickades som en bilaga och kan ses som spam eller skräppost av vissa e-posttjänster. Du kan alltid också hitta dina biljetter under fliken "Mina biljetter" när du är inloggad på ditt Billettokonto, antingen på webbläsaren eller i vår app. För mer information, läs här.

  • Jag önskar avboka min biljett och få biljetten återbetalad. Vad ska jag göra?

    Det är arrangören som beslutar om återbetalning av biljetter på deras event. Du bör därför kontakta dem direkt för att höra vilka möjligheterna är just för dig. Du hittar deras mailadress i ditt orderbekräftelsemail eller genom att gå in på deras arrangörssida och klicka på "Kontakta arrangören". För mer information, läs här.

  • Jag har registrerat mig på väntelistan, vad händer nu?

    Om fler biljetter blir tillgängliga kommer du, tillsammans med andra som registrerat sig på väntelistan, att meddelas om detta via mail. Köp av de tillgängliga biljetterna sker därefter enligt först-till-kvarn-principen. För mer information, läs här.

  • Var hittar jag länken till ett online-event?

    Vanligtvis tillhandahåller arrangören av eventet detaljerna i orderbekräftelsen som du mottar via mail efter köp eller så kan det hända att arrangören skickar ett uppföljande mail med en länk till deras online-event. Du kan även kika in på eventsidan där du finner arrangörens beskrivning av eventet. För mer information, läs här.

  • Vad är avbeställningsförsäkring och varför skulle jag behöva det?

    Med avbeställningsförsäkringen kan du vid vissa oförutsedda händelser som hindrar dig att delta i ett eventet, begära en återbetalning. För mer information, läs här.

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