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Basingstoke Casefile: The Mystery of the StarEaters

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Basingstoke Casefile: The Mystery of the StarEaters

Fra Gratis



15 jul 2017 kl. 10:00 - 16:00


TICKETS ARE STILL AVAILABLE from our Create Market stall in the Malls Shopping Centre next to Primark until 12pm.

Fancy spending a day out solving an incredible mystery, visiting interesting unseen locations and having a barrel of fun doing it!?

Piece together the trail, question real witnesses and solve ingenious puzzles.

Casefile: The Mystery of the Star-Eaters is a one-day event where you play as a ‘consulting detective’ for the local constabulary. 12 secret locations around the town centre, some usually off-limits to the public, will be taking part in the game.

Players will be able to collect their casefiles at any time in the morning from 10am-12pm and begin their adventure by following the threads of information - wherever they may take them.

The game will take approximately 2-3 hours to play with players free to complete it at any time until 4pm.

Although the game is designed for adults, a trail sheet will be provided for 4-8 year-olds that they can play alongside the main game.

Basingstoke Together are proud to present this new live adventure game in partnership with Casebook Events.

The story so far...

Detective Inspector Ranney of the local constabulary has asked for your expertise with a difficult case. The disappearance of Professor Macclesbury, a university Professor who was researching hidden subterranean areas. The Professor was a well-connected man. With pressure coming down on the Inspector from the university and the local council and a pile of unsolved cases backlogged he’s brought you in to lend a hand. He’ll give you everything he’s got on the Professor in his case-file but the rest is up to you. Out of time and out of luck, he’s counting on you to help solve this mystery - but everything isn’t quite as it seems and a dark cloud of conspiracy hangs over the town. With twists and turns that include a thousand year-old legend and a mythical ancient treasure this is one adventure that you’ll never forget.

Event Day - The collection point is now confirmed to be at the Create Market in the Malls Shopping Centre next to Primark.

On event day players need to bring their printed tickets to the collection point from 10am-12pm. Players then have until 4pm to finish the game - it should take between 2-3 hours to complete.

IMPORTANT - Please Note:

l Accessibility - Due to the unavoidable nature of some of the locations, players may need to climb stairs.

l Smartphone/tablet Necessary - As part of the game players will need internet access and the ability to watch videos.

l Under 12’s - Must be accompanied by an adult to gain free passes. They must be registered on the accompanying adult's ticket.


Some of the feedback received from previous events:

“This was a brilliant event, well organised. We really enjoyed the day. Well done, a fantastic event.” Susan Crossley, Buxton

“Awesome day.” Ben Whitnell, Norwich

“GREAT GREAT DAY Everyone was very informative and played their parts perfectly. Can’t wait for the next one.” Ann Wilkinson, Facebook

“A most excellent and interesting event, well done! #stareaters we did it.” Graham Wk, Twitter


Will under 12 year-olds enjoy it?

We've prepared a special mini-mystery for under 12s that they can do concurrently with main game

How many players are allowed per team?

We recommend teams of 2-6 players, more than 6 can be too slow.

Where can I contact the organiser with any questions?


Is my registration/ticket transferrable?


Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?


Is my ticket refundable?

No unfortunately we cannot offer refunds unless the event is cancelled


For further information or enquiries regarding the game please contact info@casebook.events



Basingstoke, Town Centre, RG21 Basingstoke


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