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Bandini Presents "Late Night Show" at The Jamboree + Victor Vox

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Bandini Presents "Late Night Show" at The Jamboree + Victor Vox

Von 6,00 GBP



02. Februar 2018, 19:00 Uhr - 03. Februar 2018, 00:00 Uhr


Bandini and Victor Vox are hosting a night of music, storytelling and theater at the Jamboree.

On Friday 2nd February they will take you on a journey through a surreal, dreamy London town;
Expect mysterious blues, storytelling and comedy for a night of immersive entertainment!

On this occasion Bandini will be presenting his single "Late Night Show" performing on stage with the full band!

Inspired by the story of a night out in the effervescent streets of London, Late Night Show is the first single from Bandini’s upcoming album Barflies.

Produced by renowned UK soul artist Camelle Hinds, Late Night Show is a get up and dance track which combines the flavour of blues with gipsy rock’n’roll vibes, sure to become a smashing hit.

Inspired by the story of a night out in the effervescent streets of London, Late Night Show is the first single from Bandini’s upcoming album Barflies.

Produced by renowned UK soul artist Camelle Hinds, Late Night Show is a get up and dance track which combines the flavour of blues with gipsy rock’n’roll vibes, sure to become a smashing hit.


Bandini is an exciting new contemporary artist, who through his re-imagining of fusion music has successfully incorporated aspects of jazz, blues, rock and gypsy into a unique sound. Coupled with his enigmatic and theatrical stage performances, Bandini is quickly becoming one of the most relevant emerging acts today.

Bandini’s performances have been described as an event, rather than simply a gig, expect nothing less from this upcoming show where he’ll be supported by his full band (10 pieces).

Follow Bandini


Victor Vox

Supporting Bandini on the night will be Victor Vox, a London based performer and songwriter playing a sophisticated mix of blues, rock and folk music, soulfully blending his background in world music with his passion for storytelling.

He is accompanied on stage by two of London’s finest musicians - Yaron Stavi on double bass (David Gilmour, Richard Galliano) and Adam Hayes on drums (Beatie Wolf, Grace Moon & The Jaguar).Late Night Show will be available for streaming on YouTube, Soundcloud and Bandcamp starting February 2nd.

Follow Victor Vox


Late Night Show will be available for streaming on YouTube, Soundcloud and Bandcamp starting February 2nd.



Jamboree, 566 Cable St, E1W 3HB London


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