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De GBP 10,00



30 Oct 2014 19:00 - 31 Oct 2014 01:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Réservez en toute confiance : Billetto garantit le remboursement des événements annulés, assurant ainsi votre tranquillité. En savoir plus


New Sounds: A Transgressive 10th Anniversary Event


Comprised of Molly Rankin (lead vocals/guitar), Kerri Maclellan (keys/vocals), Alec O'Hanley (guitar), Brian Murphy (bass) and Phil MacIsaac (drums), Alvvays take the template laid out by the likes of Scottish stalwarts Teenage Fanclub, The Vaselines and Belle & Sebastian and fuse it with a strong sense of self and a unique personality. Each shimmering track on their debut full-length frames Rankin's melancholic melodies and unwavering voice with meticulous arrangements and needlepoint guitars.


Just finishing up secondary school- and with a impressive sold-out debut single and EP under their belts - teenagers Blaenavon are a truly exciting prospect. Songs are constructed with a considered maturity but are concerned with the matters that conflict all of the young. Shows are always all ages to ensure entry for their own generation. And the band are both wise beyond their years as well as maintaining a gloriously juvenile charisma. A packed UK headline tour has been completed, they've been remixed by The Antlers and alongside widespread blog acclaim the band were also lead Radar starts in the NME and profiled by Rankin's Hunger Magazine.


Born out of a desire to create something fresh and unique to them, Gengahr are a true gem and a group waiting to be discovered.

The band’s output to date feels utterly timeless and yet genuinely refreshing, Gengahr create effortlessly smooth and melodic indie-rock that meanders along a laidback sun-kissed path. With a sound that could easily stem from influences drawn from icons such as The Smiths and Modest Mouse, to the more recently revered Unknown Mortal Orchestra and Youth Lagoon, Gengahr have already received support from Huw Stephens, NME, DIY and host of peers.


Three boys who grew up together in the South of France, although one of them is Italian and two of them are English. The band recently recorded their debut album with legendary Sultan of Sound Miti Adhikari (Nirvana, Radiohead) and exist within their own creative world built on punk ethics and timeless, romantic songwriting. Their debut Transgressive release 'Donkey' was Zane Lowe's Next Hype and massive follow up single 'Ava' has been described as "a powerfully poetic masterpiece". This band could be your life. FAMY is Bruce & Arthur Yates and Luca Galbiati.


2013 saw THUMPERS release their first three magnificent singles, tour with Everything Everything, CHVRCHES and sign to Sub Pop in North America for their debut album. Additionally, they played over 15 festivals including Reading & Leeds, performed live sessions for Radio 1’s Huw Stephens and 6Music’s Lauren Laverne as well as being playlisted on Radio 1’s Introducing.


Bethnal Green Working Mens Club, 42 Pollard Row, E2 6NB London

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