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4th Annual Global Clinical Trials Connect 2021 VIRTUAL CONFERENCE & EXPO

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4th Annual Global Clinical Trials Connect 2021 VIRTUAL CONFERENCE & EXPO

Da GBP 299,00

Evento online


Mag 05 2021 10:00 - Mag 06 2021 18:30
Billetto Peace of Mind
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The 4th Annual Global Clinical Trials Connect 2021 will provide a platform to discuss on the futuristic advancements in clinical trials and clinical research. This multidisciplinary program involves broad participation of people from clinical trials community from around the globe who are focused on learning more about clinical research, clinical trials planning and management.

The Pharma and Bio-Tech companies are consistently evolving and new clinical studies, technologies and advancements in care and treatments have augmented the efficiency and at the same time the complexity of clinical trials has increased, with tests being carried out in a highly structured and closely coordinated manner. It is high time that we look into innovative strategies, new technologies, effective and quality collaborations to address these issues, which can cater to the needs of the patient and the industry.

This conference intends to focus on the global health and clinical trials around the world. Bioethics, regulations, patient recruitment, site selection, real-world data, data integration & Strategy, outsourcing, vendor management, quality (QbD) in Trial Conduct, risk-based monitoring, clinical auditing & financial planning and other significant topics that play a key role in clinical trials will be addressed along with innovative sessions on new technologies, effective and quality collaborations. This program will certainly educate health care scientists on trial design, operations, organizing trials, research computing, regulatory aspects, report on clinical trials and gain a better knowledge of the implications of clinical trials in prevention, diagnosis, clinical trial-related ethics and disease treatments.

The summit will facilitate an invaluable networking opportunities with decision makers and focus on real case studies, insightful presentations and round tables.

It gives us a great pleasure in welcoming you to the 4th Annual Global Clinical Trials Connect 2021 conference.

Key Highlights:

• Patient Recruitment and Site selection

• Innovative trial designs

• Partnership & Collaboration - Sponsors, CROs, Sites and External Vendors

• Patient centric clinical trials

• New innovations in Patient Recruitment planning and execution on a clinical trial

• Outsourcing strategies and models

• Electronic Clinical Outcome Assessment and Electronic Patient Reported Outcome

• Streamlined IRT development process

• Pharmacovigilance & Clinical Trials

• Post-Clinical Trial closed communities

• How to future proof your clinical operations

• Implementing Risk Based Monitoring

• Streamlining R&D and lower costs in clinical trials

• Adaptive Trial Model

• Clinical Trial Auditing

• Real World Clinical Trial Strategies

• Data Quality & Technology

• Clinical Data Strategy & Analytics

• Clinical Technology and Driving Innovation

• M-Health, Wearable and Consumer Technology

• Big-Data, IoT and Artificial Intelligence Technology in Clinical trials

• Blockchain technology for improving clinical research quality

Who should attend the conference:

This event is designed for senior level attendees from various companies including pharmaceutical, biotechnological, biopharmaceutical, CRO’s, Diagnostics, solution provider and government institutions.

Attendees includes VPs, GMs, Directors, Heads and Managers of:

• CROs and CMOs

• Digital innovative strategic planning

• Regulatory and pharmacovigilance

• IT consultants

• Clinical trials and data management

• Clinical design/protocol design/ strategy makers

• Clinical innovation

• Data storage and analysis

• Contract outsourcing service providers

• Patient recruitment

• Clinical research sites

• Hospitals/ Associations

• Health IT

• Regulatory affairs



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