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2nd Positive Psychology in Practice

événement terminé

2nd Positive Psychology in Practice

De GBP 399,00



24 Oct 2019 08:00 - 25 Oct 2019 17:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Réservez en toute confiance : Billetto garantit le remboursement des événements annulés, assurant ainsi votre tranquillité. En savoir plus



About the conference

Our upcoming conference on "Positive Psychology in Practice" will focus on cutting-edge science and the practical application of Positive Psychology Interventions in clinical settings and organisations.

Leading experts, who share a passion for Positive Psychology, will provide you with an up-to-date overview of the science of wellbeing and critically examine the emergence and development of this new field. They will explore the keys to a happy and meaningful way of life by addressing gaps, biases and exciting new ways to bring this topic forward.

The goal of this event is to promote a better understanding of what Positive Psychology actually is, the study and science behind it and how we can move beyond the theoretical to incorporate positive psychology into practical and real-life settings.

Learn from leading authorities about evidence-based positive psychology techniques and recommendations that have been shown to increase clients’ wellbeing.


During the two days, the event will use a range of formats: conference workshops, speaker keynote presentations, oral poster presentations, poster exhibitions and an interactive lunch. In between, visitors can visit our trading exhibition and get inspired by relevant products and services.

Plenary sessions will be interspersed throughout the day with question and answer sessions and panel discussions. The meeting will provide a valuable opportunity to network, share knowledge and ideas, and consider collaborative projects.

Together we can create positive networking and growth opportunities for everyone involved. 


😊 Science of Happiness
😊 Resilience, Well-being and Success
😊 Appreciate Inquiry
😊 Positive Psychology in the Workplace
😊 Happiness, Quality of Life, Life Satisfaction
😊 Flow State
😊 Employability
😊 Making Positive Psychology tangible
😊 SMARTER-life-GROWTH approaches
😊 Positive Psychology Coaching
😊 Experience Design
😊 HR, Leadership and Change Management
😊 Second Wave of Positive Psychology
😊 Job Crafting

Participants will gain valuable knowledge from current industry experts. This meeting will provide valuable opportunity to network, share knowledge and ideas, and consider innovative collaborative projects.

Poster exhibitions will be on display throughout the conference for presenters to discuss their work. 

Delegates are invited to register their area of specialization and interest through submission of abstract proposals. If you would like to submit oral or poster presentations, please click the tab “call for papers”


Oral Abstracts: 30th of April 2019 
Poster Abstracts: 31st of August 2019 


Organisational & Business LeadersHR StaffHealthcare ProvidersPolicy MakersPsychologistsCliniciansClinicians & Wellbeing PractitionersMental Health ProfessionalsResearchersUniversities and school teachersStudentsAnybody with the desire to live a happier and more full-filled life


The conference will be held in English. There will be no simultaneous translations available. 
Registration Space is limited. We encourage guests to register asap!!!


Boothstraat 7 Boothstraat 7, boothstraat 7, 3512 Utrecht

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