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Zealous X Performance - “Identity” (1 ticket, 3 performances!)

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Zealous X Performance - “Identity” (1 ticket, 3 performances!)

Von 10,00 GBP



15. Januar 2016, 19:30 Uhr - 22:30


Explore emotions, the very fabric of your identity and the essence of masculinity through music, dance and theatre.


New Music Ensemble

The NME (New Music Ensemble) is a non-governmental organisation of creators and makers of contemporary new music and performance art. It brings together musicians, performers as well as artists, in order to design some of the next relevant steps of contemporary art.

Alex Levene

Alex is a poet, spoken word artist and performer from Bedford. He has worked as a creative producer and performer for the past 8 years as well as running a theatre venue. He has produced a wide range of projects from childrens theatre to outdoor festivals. Howl/Groan sees him return to the work of Allen Ginsberg as the start of a series of works focusing on the stories and poetry of migrants and outcasts.

Boadicea Crew

Named after the Famous Queen of the British Iceni tribe, was founded by Rhimes Lecointe. It combines warrior style with fun, fashion & colour in a creative mix that reflects the best that females in UK entertainment have to offer.

For more from our Performance programme:

Struggle (8th of January)
Poetry and dance take our struggles head on, no matter how big or small. War, class, a night out with the lads, womanhood and more. More Info

Relationships (9th of January)
Explore your deepest phobias and question poisonous relationships with lovers, but fear not, you are amongst friends. 3 dance pieces to push your assumptions of friendship, love and your environment. More Info

Contrasts (10th of January)
What do corporates have in common with comedy? Politicans with pop culture? Laugh and challenge the more serious aspects of life with a mix of theatre, dance and comedy. More Info

Exploration (16th of January)
Bring your passport tonight as we go on a journey of discovery, meaning and impending doom. Dance and theatre that will make you celebrate our apocalypse. More Info

"Struggle" is part of the Zealous X festival; unleashing creativity over 10 days at Rich Mix. Come and experience creativity like never before, discuss the industry alongside leaders, learn new skills, listen to great music, discover inspiring performances, all we’re now missing is you.

By buying a ticket you are directly supporting creators. 51% of all Zealous X tickets go directly to the 100+ creatives showcased during the festival.

Zealous X is brought to you by Zealous, an online platform matching creative talent with jobs, projects, festivals and more. Find out more


Find creative exhibitions, paid opportunities and cash-prize competitions. Come say hello at our next #ZealousMeetups event! www.zealous.co


Rich Mix, 35-47 Bethnal Green Rd, E1 6LA London


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