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Mag 03 2020 10:00 - 16:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Prenota senza pensieri: Billetto garantisce il rimborso per gli eventi cancellati, assicurandoti così la massima tranquillità. Leggi di più


Join us for £65pp or Find Out More...

Enjoy a day relaxing and restoring your body and mind with a series of gentle yoga practices, guided meditations and simple breathing practices in the beautiful Sussex countryside.  We all know sometimes life can get a little hectic or feel a bit much. Wouldn’t it be great to have a few tricks in your tool box to pull out just when you need them to keep your wellbeing in check?

Our day retreats offer a taster of some of the many aspects of yoga and meditation that can be practiced at home and in daily life to keep that daily stress under wraps. You can switch off and enjoy the day at the same time as learning simple, mindful practices that can help you to notice your wellbeing more often and feel a little more aware of how to maintain it.

We will explore:

  • exactly what is stress,
  • how it impacts your thinking and your body,
  • how to recognise stress in yourself and most importantly,
  • what to do about it and how to maintain your wellbeing in every day life.

Using a variety of yoga, meditation and breathing techniques we will create and fill your own personal tool box of stress resilience factors whilst also relaxing and enjoying a day of gentle yoga and meditation practices in the countryside. All levels and complete beginners welcome.

Join us for £65 or Find out More...

The day includes:

  • Gentle guided yoga practices, suitable for all levels and beginners.
  • Deep relaxation of the body and mind with a traditional guided meditations.
  • “Pranayama” - Traditional simple breathing practices with explanation of how they can impact your mood and energy levels.
  • Yoga Nidra - “Sleep Yoga”
  • A stress awareness workshop, establishing how to recognise individual responses and remedies.
  • Guided workshops and worksheets to explore your stress markers and resilience factors.
  • An open discussion session explaining some of the key principles in yoga and meditation, its history, practices and purpose.
  • Light refreshments

Join us for £65 or Find Out More...

Suitable for all levels. Beginners welcome.

Hayley is a yoga teacher with a difference. With 13 years of physiotherapy practice under her belt and a masters base in neuroscience , Hayley combines this knowledge with her deep love of yoga and meditation so you can relax and enjoy an authentic teaching experience.


“Thank you so much for providing me with such a good "Tool Box" to cope with the stresses in my life!"

"Meditation was the aspect which I found most inspiring - I ...didn’t think I would be able to do it so to meditate not once but several times... was great and has given me the confidence to try and integrate it more into my life”

"Thank you so much for this weekend. I had a fantastic time and I learnt so much. I definitely won’t be forgetting it anytime soon. I feel like my practice is now so much better and I am doing so much good for my body”

”Amazing! Classes were insightful and awesome for mind, body and soul”
”A fantastic experience from start to finish - everything flowed beautifully”
”Meditation sessions were the perfect balance between stillness and explanation”
”Hayley is an AMAZING Yoga Instructor and I can’t recommend her retreats highly enough. I left feeling calm, relaxed, free and knowing my body has been restored and also had a really good workout.”


Latitude Wellbeing offers Physiotherapy, Yoga, Pilates and Meditation events throughout the UK.

Luogo dell'evento

The Hamblin Centre The Hamblin Centre, Bosham House, PO18 8PJ Chichester


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