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Wood Engraving (Relief Printing) Taster Day

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Wood Engraving (Relief Printing) Taster Day

Fra GBP 108,00



21 mar 2020 kl. 10:30 - 17:30
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Saturday 21 March 2020

10.30am - 5.30pm

This one day course is suitable for absolute beginners as well as printmaker's from other fields who would like to add wood engraving to their portfolio.

Wood Engraving is a relief printing process where an image is engraved into the end grain of a hard wood (traditionally Box wood) with specialist engraving tools. The relief surface created is then inked and an impression taken onto paper by hand or by printing press. This British tradition of wood engraving, dating back to before it's best known engraver, Thomas Bewick (d.1828), still continues today as illustration and independent prints.

The course:

You will be introduced to the materials, tools and processes with reference throughout the day to historic and contemporary wood engraving. Advice will be given on choosing and sharpening tools as well as their care and safe use.

  • • Preliminary drawings and design
  • • Transferring drawings to the block
  • • Cutting the block introducing the range of wood engraving tools
  • • Proofing and printing on the cylinder press

On the day you will cut and print one practice block on Lemonwood then cut another Box wood block from which you will print a small limited edition (5-10 prints).

Tutor Peter S Smith

Peter S Smith is a member of the Society if Wood Engravers and Fellow of the Royal Society of Painter-Printermakers (RE). His paintings and prints are exhibited in the UK and overseas with works in public and private collections, including Tate Britain, the Ashmolean Oxford and the Fitzwilliam Cambridge. Peter has over 30 years’ experience in teaching the arts, including his role as the Head of the School of Art Design and Media at Kingston College. He currently has a studio at the St Bride Foundation, where he also teaches wood engraving workshops.



‘It was a real joy, such a good teacher and inspiring as an artist. Also incredibly patient and generous with all his experience and knowledge.’    Workshop Participant

Ticket is non-refundable, however you are welcome to offer your ticket to another person or reschedule the date of your visit. Please contact events@sbf.org.uk to change the date/event of your booking at least 7 days prior to the event date.

Due to the constraints of our Grade II listed building, the workshop is not currently accessible to wheelchair users or those with limited mobility.


Established in 1891 with a clear social and cultural purpose, St Bride Foundation is one of London’s hidden gems.

Housed in a beautiful Grade II listed Victorian building, St Bride Foundation was originally set up to serve the burgeoning print and publishing trade of nearby Fleet Street, and is now finding a new contemporary audience of designers, printmakers and typographers who come to enjoy a regular programme of design events and workshops.

Many thousands of books, printing-related periodicals and physical objects are at the heart of St Bride Library. Volumes on the history of printing, typography, newspaper design and paper-making jostle for space alongside one of the world’s largest and most significant collections of type specimens. The printed, written, carved and cast word may be found at St Bride in its myriad forms. Architectural lettering and examples of applied typography in many media, together with substantial collections of steel punches and casting matrices for metal types are also held in this eclectic collection. The Reading Room is open to visitors twice a month and on other days by appointment. Although we operate on a cost-neutral basis, it is necessary to charge for some of our services. Details are available by emailing the library team at library@sbf.org.uk.

St Bride retains many of its original features, including the baths, laundry, printing rooms and library. As part of the Foundation’s original mission to provide for the community, many of the building’s unique and characterful spaces are available to hire whether for meetings, weddings or classes.

St Bride also houses the popular Bridewell Theatre, and Bridewell Bar (once the laundry), and hosts a year-round programme of plays, comedy, music and exhibitions.

With some 65,000 visitors a year St Bride Foundation is a major London hub for the creative arts in London. We look forward to welcoming you soon.


St Bride Foundation St Bride Foundation, Bride Lane, EC4Y 8EQ London


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