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Type Tuesday: Show and tell. Exhibition design with Marina Willer and guests

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Type Tuesday: Show and tell. Exhibition design with Marina Willer and guests

Från 8,00 GBP



3 mar 2020 19:00 - 21:30
Billetto Peace of Mind
Boka tryggt med oss: Billetto garanterar återbetalning vid inställda event. Läs mer


Type Tuesday: Show and tell

Exhibition design with Marina Willer and guests

St Bride Foundation, Tuesday 3 March 2020 in the Bridewell Hall 7-9.30pm

Pentagram partner Marina Willer has a portfolio that embraces identity design (for Tate and architect Richard Rogers) film-making (Red Trees) and exhibition design. She has recently masterminded several popular, visually rich exhibitions, including the Barbican’s ‘Mangasia: Wonderlands of Asian Comics’, an exhibition by her compatriot João Farkas (see Eye 95) at the Brazilian Embassy plus ‘Stanley Kubrick: The Exhibition’(see Eye 99,) and ‘Ferrari: Under the Skin’, both at the Design Museum.

Come to Type Tuesday on 3 March to hear Marina join the dots between graphic design, typography, film-making and the challenges of organising words and images in big spaces. We will be joined by other leading figures from the world of exhibition design and the evening will end with a panel discussion. There will be a bar in the interval and the chance to browse bargain back issues of Eye magazine. 

Tickets £12.50, £10 members/concessions, £8 students

Includes free glass of Prosecco on arrival.

All proceeds go to support St Bride Foundation 

Ticket is non-refundable, however you are welcome to offer your ticket to another person or reschedule the date of your visit. Please contact to change the date/event of your booking at least 7 days prior to the event date.


Established in 1891 with a clear social and cultural purpose, St Bride Foundation is one of London’s hidden gems.

Housed in a beautiful Grade II listed Victorian building, St Bride Foundation was originally set up to serve the burgeoning print and publishing trade of nearby Fleet Street, and is now finding a new contemporary audience of designers, printmakers and typographers who come to enjoy a regular programme of design events and workshops.

Many thousands of books, printing-related periodicals and physical objects are at the heart of St Bride Library. Volumes on the history of printing, typography, newspaper design and paper-making jostle for space alongside one of the world’s largest and most significant collections of type specimens. The printed, written, carved and cast word may be found at St Bride in its myriad forms. Architectural lettering and examples of applied typography in many media, together with substantial collections of steel punches and casting matrices for metal types are also held in this eclectic collection. The Reading Room is open to visitors twice a month and on other days by appointment. Although we operate on a cost-neutral basis, it is necessary to charge for some of our services. Details are available by emailing the library team at

St Bride retains many of its original features, including the baths, laundry, printing rooms and library. As part of the Foundation’s original mission to provide for the community, many of the building’s unique and characterful spaces are available to hire whether for meetings, weddings or classes.

St Bride also houses the popular Bridewell Theatre, and Bridewell Bar (once the laundry), and hosts a year-round programme of plays, comedy, music and exhibitions.

With some 65,000 visitors a year St Bride Foundation is a major London hub for the creative arts in London. We look forward to welcoming you soon.


St Bride Foundation St Bride Foundation, 14 Bride Ln, EC4Y 8EQ London

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