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Together 2018

l'evento è terminato

Together 2018

Da Gratis



Ago 03 2018 12:00 - 14:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Prenota senza pensieri: Billetto garantisce il rimborso per gli eventi cancellati, assicurandoti così la massima tranquillità. Leggi di più


For friends and family new to Together, this will be our third small, friendy fundraising party.

Good Music: We'll have two awesome stages with musicians, DJ’s and VJ’s playing everything from soul, to dub, from soukous to deep house, and ambient to jungle.

Good Times: Family fun... we always have loads going on for little ones. See more here.

We'll have great food, proper (non-London) pub prices at the bar with everything from bubbles to specially selected local real ales and ciders.

Good Cause: 100% of Together's profits will go to Awamu's work with children and women in the slums of Kampala. Last year you you helped us raise over £20,000 in vital, life changing funds. Read more here.

We really hope you will join us and make Together 2018 another one to remember!

Awamu: Like this party, Awamu is unique as all their work (both in the UK and Uganda) is driven by volunteers, reflecting our core belief – working together we can change lives.

We aim to cover all our costs and raise as much as possible towards Awamu's work. If you add a donation to your ticket price we will make sure that the full value of your gift is passed to Awamu.

100% of anything you donate will helping vulnerable children gain the education and skills that could change their lives.


The Together Teams mission is to throw a party with maximum impact on party goers and children in Kampala and minimum impact on the environment.

The site is accessable by train, we use eco toilets and eco spa and encourage you to reuse your cups and more.

Please consider buying a reusable cup in advance of the party (its cheaper in advance) and on site your drinks will be cheaper,

Reusable and recycled cup and mugs

Save waste, reduce impact on the environment (and support skills, jobs and industry in Sheffield!) by ordering cups and mugs that you can use again and again on site....and for years afterwards.

Together recycled steel pint cup £6.50


Get tickets for Together Festival

Luogo dell'evento

Secret location Secret location , Nearest station High Wycombe, TBC High Wycombe


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