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This Prismatic Room - A Bad Vibes Weekender

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This Prismatic Room - A Bad Vibes Weekender

De GBP 10,00



11 Avr 2014 20:00 - 13 Avr 2014 23:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Réservez en toute confiance : Billetto garantit le remboursement des événements annulés, assurant ainsi votre tranquillité. En savoir plus



"There’s still plenty of space rock being made, but its subject matter inevitably renders it retro-futurist, no longer soundtracking our destiny among the stars, but referencing a golden age that never came to pass. Oakland’s Lumerians understand this implicitly, and create a sound and concept that captures this sense of cosmic yearning while cruising through the starfields of an imaginary universe." The Quietus


"Druggy and declamator music wrapped up in, distorted and mixed vocals just underneath the deadly precise bass lines, the sparse drumming and the glass-cutting guitars." - The Line Of Best Fit


"Boogarins is rich, heavy, and sonorous, the guitar tones sensually warm and the vocals and drums sent through several treatments to blur them and lift them off the ground. On "Eu Vou", the vocals swim through liquid silence, tiny rippling mouth pops and a faraway synth the vocal track's only distant companions. It might be their tribute to Marble Index-era Nico; it channels a similar empty vastness." - Pitchfork


"When you hear an artist is on Burger Records, you have a decent idea of what their album will sound like. Having said that, the Burger guys caught me off guard with Gap Dream. Here’s a label that ostensibly deals with garage rock, that has released things from the likes of King Tuff and La Luz…putting out the home-recorded, keyboard-driven project of a guy who counts Giorgio Moroder and Brian Eno as his influences? It sounds weird, but that’s what we have in Shine Your Light: a spacey synth-pop record that is intermittently charming." - Popmatters


"A quite astonishing live band." - Bad Vibes


"Danish outfit The Wands up the ante somewhat. Drawing on a diverse range of sounds and styles incorporating West Coast psychedelia, folk and BJM inspired spacerock, their captivating set ends up being one of the highlights of the entire weekend. Drones collide with effervescent melodies while the core duo of Christian Skibdal and Mads Gras provide the swooning harmonies that accompany each piece." - Drowned in Sound


"Out on a stroll in the council block housing near his home in Southampton, Luke Donovan happened on a box of beat-up records. Intrigued, he brought his findings home, slapped one down on the turntable, and started strumming. The result of this past-and-present fusion is Spectral Park, the self-titled debut from Donovan's phonographically enhanced one-man band. But if the Spectral Park project got its start on a leisurely afternoon constitutional, the album itself winds up feeling a lot more like one of psychonaut hero Aldous Huxley's wild rides." - Pitchfork


"Having caused a stir a year ago with the debut of the track ‘My Love’, on Marshall Teller’s second birthday compilation, psychgazers Parlour are set for a massive year" - Slate The Disco


The Shacklewell Arms, 71 Shacklewell Ln, London , E8 2EB London

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