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Think King - complete A-Z Digital Marketing online course

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Think King - complete A-Z Digital Marketing online course

Fra GBP 2.800,00



25 jun 2019 kl. 18:00 - 31 dec 2019 kl. 12:52
Billetto Peace of Mind
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You probably think there’s no easy way to become a digital marketer with technological changes happening so rapidly. It's easy to think that it's just too overwhelming, but actually, we think it only takes hours—25 hours, to be exact!

Think King training is a 3-month course with twice-weekly, live, interactive online sessions designed to fit around your schedule, your life. You won't miss the office, school pick-up or return to a mountain of emails. 

No hype. No unnecessary jargon just clear explanations of how Digital Marketing works, integrates and connects.

  • Attend at a time that suits you and your schedule
  • Access the live classes from any device
  • Bite-size lessons, packed full of why's and how-to's, stats, best practice and case studies.
  • Free templates and checklists that work alongside the course
  • Practical tasks to support building towards your own strategy
  • Online support throughout

30-day 10% SALE (until 08/10/19).


  • Essential marketing foundations for any campaign
  • Huge range of digital marketing mediums and logistics - social media, content marketing, digital event management and so much more.
  • You will learn how things work and why, how channels and platforms connect and integrate, and whether they will work for your business or not - helping you make better informed decisions.
  • You will understand the processes, tools, and terminology to be able to discuss and better manage teams, freelancers and agencies more effectively.
  • There are regular tasks set after almost each session to support your learning, helping you build towards your own strategy.
  • Plus you will receive accompanying guides, checklists and templates to use during and after the course.


  • Be able to increase website visitors to your site with far greater conversion (sales, donations, advocates)
  • Create your own unique keyword list, be able to set up and optimise SEO for your website, or a Pay-Per-Click campaign for your business
  • Have a social media strategy you can implement immediately
  • Have best practice UX (user-experience) and IA (information architecture) guidelines to build any content
  • Your own bespoke digital marketing strategy

* 7 DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE (from start of training)
*30-day 10% SALE (until 08/10/19) 


From August 2019 (Times subject to change.)

  • Mon and Thurs - 10am-11am
  • Tues and Friday - 1-2pm
  • Tues and Friday - 6.30-7.30pm ( 7.30pm CEST, 1.30pm EDT, 10.30pm IST)
  • Wed 6.30-7.30pm and Sat 10am-11am

    From October 2019 (new time added)

    • Thurs 6.30-7.30pm and Sun 11-12pm

    All times are based on GMT/BST. Find the timezone that works for you.

    More times are always being introduced as demand grows. Check back here or visit Think King training for more dates and times. 


    "​I have learnt so many new things in such a short time. The class was very dynamic. Kathryn gave us lots of ideas, shared links, and new applications, that I can use immediately.- Lucie Frideling, Digital Reality

    " ​Kathryn’s expertise are second to none when it comes to digital marketing strategy. She has a highly engaging, friendly and enthusiastic style, which teaches best practice digital marketing in a creative rather than prescriptive way with loads of up to date practical examples, applications and add-ons. I cannot recommend her highly enough." - Micheal Green. Kings Place

    "Kathryn combines her expertise, theoretical and practical knowledge of digital marketing with a dollop of good humour. You will learn loads and certainly will not be bored! " - Enes Champo, NHS foundation

    See more reviews

    Contact kathryn@thinkking.co.uk with any questions and for a discount for multiple bookings.


    Think King is the trade name for the Think King training series, and a subsidary of Kathryn McMann Marketing Consultancy Ltd. Kathryn McMann has over 15 years experience in digital and traditional marketing, branding and communications. She is a digital marketing consultant, expert trainer, lecturer, and vlogger. Her clients come from a wide range of industries, from finance, commercial to public sector. Past clients include: UAL, Sciex, Barclaycard, Global Witness, British Library. Kathryn McMann Consultancy runs workshops, talks, online and networking events, white-labelled events and events for my clients - promo-parties, talks, launches.


    Online Online, Online, London, UK


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