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The Langan Band + Le Cafe Parisian + Little Big Blue

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The Langan Band + Le Cafe Parisian + Little Big Blue

De GBP 10,00



10 Jun 2022 20:00 - 23:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Réservez en toute confiance : Billetto garantit le remboursement des événements annulés, assurant ainsi votre tranquillité. En savoir plus



Wrapping Pan-European traditional acoustic music with infectious grooves, epic, pounding, sing along, punch the air anthems to intricately arranged instrumentals.

Unhinged and musically extravagant, The Langan Band have become famous for performing an invigorating yet precisely executed show. The dynamic trio take traditional acoustic idioms and deliver them with punk abandonment and virtuosic flare, their unique sound emerges from Celtic, Gypsy Swing, Roma & Flamenco… 

The band formed shortly after John Langan won the prestigious Danny Kyle Award for new artists at Celtic Connections Festival in Glasgow for his audacious, fresh and engaging rendition of a traditional song. It's this rare and potent ability Langan has with singing to captivate and have audiences believe songs, that is the core of their shows.

Their material draws from all that they've been exposed to and enjoyed, from a whole range of music and live experiences. Progressive folk, jazz influences and world music combine to create a modern and exhilarating sound very much rooted in modern traditions.  It's hard to pigeonhole but is for certain brilliant musicianship, with catchy tunes and beautiful lyrics.

Flanked on one side by Caplin, a Hebridean classically trained violinist and a stalwart of the London prog and trad folk scenes, he's as adept at long bowed orchestral harmony passages as he is with swashbuckling dazzlingly quick tune playing and improvising. On the other side there's Tunstall on Double Bass, sometimes utilising his sonorous bow technique in conjunction with Caplin to create eerie soundscapes, but mostly he's fiercely pounding out bass lines which lock in seamlessly to Langan's foot operated percussion and fiery rhythmic guitar playing to produce irresistible high energy, bouncy grooves, with beautifully subtle harmonies and vocals.

'Astonishing work, boundlessly inventive... driving rhythms and mesmerising folk melodies' R2 Magazine

Expect a whirling twirling, knees up and a feet first kind of night.

Listen to The Langan Band

Supported by two local collectives of hard hitting folkies & top musicians guaranteed to truly shake your bones form the offset. Le Café Parisian take you on a fantastical music journey though cafes and terraces of Europe, expect to hear Hot Club Swing, Classical Themes, adventures into Romani and Celtic Music, and vintage Songs, all delivered with a fresh new twist. Little Big Blue play a riff-driven mixture of contemporary Folk and Americana, traditional and original songs with the bands own arrangements...


Cobalt Studios - art, dance, music, performance, food, D.I.Y, roots, artist led spaces, experimental, curious, collaborative, open. Come and visit us.


Cobalt Studios Cobalt Studios, 10 Boyd St, NE2 1AP Newcastle upon Tyne

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