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The Fundamentals of Yoga Outreach

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The Fundamentals of Yoga Outreach

De GBP 150.00



May 30 2020 10:00 - May 31 2020 17:00


This workshop is open to yoga teachers interested in outreach work and also to people who have not completed a yoga teacher training but who are keen to further their learning or are looking to facilitate a yoga group as a part of their work.

This twelve-hour workshop will highlight the importance of understanding the neuroscience and physiology of the stress response. You will learn how yoga works to establish a healthy nervous system and brain and why this is valuable information for anyone wishing to teach yoga in an outreach setting. We will link this to yoga philosophy and the wider traditional teachings of yoga.

Over the weekend we will share practice together, learn from each other and have plenty of time for group discussion.

Alongside this, we will discuss some of the practicalities, ethics and challenges of working in the community. We will demonstrate practical tools to enable you to begin to build the skills necessary to offer safe, authentic yoga classes which meet the needs of the client group, giving consideration to teaching cues and some of the needs of the clients we work with and what we have found to be helpful.

Throughout the two days you will be led through several yoga practices, which will encompass our approach to asana, pranayama and meditation and prompt you to begin to develop your own.

While we will have lots of time to experiences the practices for ourselves and consider how they impact on us and our students. Please note this workshop will not be focused on teaching specific asana or on training yoga teachers in a particular style of yoga.

Our wish is that you can apply the principles you learn to your individual teaching style and have the confidence to reach out to groups of people who might not turn up to a general yoga class.


Cost is £150. If finance is a genuine barrier to attending and you feel passionately about this work we will offer 2 discounted places.


“Interesting and inspiring training delivered by two practitioners with a wealth of knowledge and experience of outreach work. They are both clearly passionate about the work that they do and about helping others to take the benefits of yoga into areas of the community where it is less accessible. Highly recommended.”

“If you’re interested in taking Yoga where it is most needed this course is a must! Laura and Lorraine bring to the table a wealth of invaluable practical experience of working with different vulnerable populations. The material is underpinned by rigorous neuroscience and presented in an accessible format in a relaxed and supportive environment.”

“The course managed to somehow combine basic essentials of community development, pedagogy, neuroscience, philosophy, and anatomy in just two days. It was a small group of committed students with a great teacher/ student ratio and scope for further depth and practice for those that wanted it. The case studies and lesson planning were particularly useful for building up our awareness of complex needs and barriers to accessing yoga, as well as confidence in how to ‘meet people on the mat’. It was the perfect antidote to some of the more image-conscious yoga trends and helped us reconnect with core principles and values. Thank you Lorraine and Laura.”


Beetroot Sauvage Beetroot Sauvage, 33-41, EH9 1SX Edinburgh


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