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The Art of Intimate Touch

Foto por Ava Sol @ Unsplash
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The Art of Intimate Touch

De GBP 250,00



Nov 16 2019 10:00 - 18:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Reserva con confianza: Billetto garantiza reembolsos por eventos cancelados, para tu tranquilidad. Lee más



An experience for couples...

- Do you want to learn some new, juicy and fun ways to connect as a couple? 

- Do you want to know more about how to give and receive pleasurable touch? 

- Would you like to learn the basics of connected, sensual, intimate massage?

- Would you like to know more about how to massage and touch your partner’s genitals?

The Art of Intimate Touch is a day for couples, to explore connection and intimate sensual massage in a safe, fun and informative environment. I am a sensual bodyworker and intimate massage therapist. I work with men & women individually, as well as couples, to help bring a deeper awareness of sensation in the body, to relax and undo old patterns of tension that inhibit sexual/sensual pleasure and to expand the palette of orgasmic sensation & experience. Here’s what one couple said about a session with me:

'The effects of our session have been utterly incredible. We did not know what to expect when we came for our first tantric massage and we are so grateful for the positive, beautiful and wonderful experience we received thanks to your guidance, kindness and healing touch. We look forward to experimenting with the games and the approaches you taught us.'

During this day we will:

- Learn about & practice connecting to deeper, slower breath for relaxation

- Use conscious breath to help move energy and sensation through the whole body

- Learn about connecting to sensation in your own body before giving or receiving with others

- Experiment with some simple tools for exploring what kind of touch we like and don’t like

- Practice communicating our desires and boundaries

- Learn some basics of giving a full body massage - how to relax as the giver AND as the receiver

- Learn about, and give/receive, tantric genital massage

Many of us have never really been shown or taught how to handle our own genitals, let alone the genitals of a partner. Many are under the impression that porn demonstrates the best way to touch and be touched. But there is a lot more to connected, intimate and loving genital touch than we might think! Really good, tuned-in genital touch/massage can be deeply connecting, blissfully pleasurable and profoundly transformative. How to include genital touch/massage in your regular intimacy, how to give genital massage from a non-goal orientated space, how to be present as a giver, how to surrender as a receiver, different ways of massaging and touching…all these things, and more, will be covered in this day. You will leave with a basic recipe for sensual touch and genital massage that you can play with at home.

This ExploreSpace will involve nudity. All couples will be invited to observe a demonstration of tantric genital massage (both on male genitals and female genitals) and then given time to practice what has been shown. Please note that this space is not for intercourse or exchange of bodily fluids - save some of fun until you get home :-) 

All intimate touch practices will be undertaken with your own partner - there will be no requirement to work with other people. There may be an invitation to try some non-touch based exercises and non-intimate exercises with someone other than your intimate partner. Nothing is compulsory though: you will not be asked to do anything you do not want to do.

You will need to bring:

Two towels

A sarong, large scarf or very light blanket

A few cushions or pillows


Loose, comfortable clothing

Cost and booking info:

Full price: £250 per couple

Spaces are limited to 8 couples per date so book early to avoid disappointment

Full venue address details will be given once a confirmed booking is made


Sensual, tantric massage and intimate bodywork ~ helping reconnect you with your body through pleasure.


Stoke Newington, London


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