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The 2020 ELT Freelancers' Community Awayday

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The 2020 ELT Freelancers' Community Awayday

Da GBP 32,50



Gen 24 2020 09:00 - 18:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Prenota senza pensieri: Billetto garantisce il rimborso per gli eventi cancellati, assicurandoti così la massima tranquillità. Leggi di più


The 2020 ELT Freelancers' Community Awayday

We are very much looking forward to welcoming you to the sixth ELT Freelancers' Awayday!

The 2020 Awayday and pre-conference dinner will both be held at:
Oxford Spires Hotel
Abingdon Road
Oxford, OX1 4PS

There are three separate tickets available...

Thursday 23rd, 7.30pm dinner (optional drink at 7pm)
The optional pre-conference dinner is the evening before the Awayday and will be
held in the Cardinal Suite at the Oxford Spires Hotel.

Friday 24th, 9am to 6pm

Friday 24th, 9am to 6pm

See the ELT Freelancers' Community website for detailed information about the full programme, speakers, venue, and pre-conference dinner.

We would like to thank National Geographic Learning for sponsoring the drinks reception.


  • The Awayday is primarily aimed at freelance ELT editors and proofreaders. However, those with other roles within the sector are very welcome to attend, and we usually have a few authors, designers, picture researchers, permissions consultants, etc. 
  • If you are purchasing a Freelancers' Awayday Ticket, indicate whether you would like to be allocated a 15-minute one-to-one slot with Phil Hendy (accountant) during the ticket purchase process, and then book your slot using the link in your ticket confirmation email.
  • If you are purchasing a Publishers' Awayday Ticket, note that you may be requested not to attend certain sessions if they are of a sensitive nature (e.g. presentations by publishing houses about their ways of working and publishing plans). We usually offer an alternative session in these cases.
  • The pre-conference dinner and the Awayday are separate events. Many of the Awayday delegates stay in the
    hotel the night before the Awayday and also attend the dinner. However, local freelancers may choose to attend the dinner only.
  • Tickets are non-refundable and the booking fee is included in the price. We recommend that you take out insurance (offered by Billetto during the check out process).


Freelance Publishing Professionals brings together publishers and freelancers in the English Language Teaching and Educational sectors of the publishing industry. The Freelance Publishing Professionals online directory showcases freelancers involved in a wide range of roles within ELT and Educational publishing and is a one-stop-shop for resourcing publishing projects within the sector. In addition, the organisation runs regular CPD live webinar events and a popular annual Freelancers' Awayday conference in Oxford. 

Luogo dell'evento

The Principal Oxford Spires Hotel The Principal Oxford Spires Hotel, Abingdon Road , OX1 4PS Oxford


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