Stephen Ridley || LIVE Online Concert || 'THE JOURNEY'
Stephen Ridley || LIVE Online Concert || 'THE JOURNEY'
From GBP 19.00
The Story So Far...
Hey guys,
So I said I was going to do another one of these when I hit 250,000 Instagram subscribers, and.. well.. here we are!! A lot quicker than I expected!!
The first concert blew me away. We went deep together, we laughed, we cried. It was immensely therapeutic for everybody, I think. So I'm thoroughly excited to go further this time. I want to take you on a journey, through some of the stories of my life, to explore with you the new music I'm working on, including unfinished ideas. I want to talk to you about the songwriting process and what I'm going through, and generally bring you into my world. Of course, this will be centred around great great music.
All funds will go to making more Art. I have some amazing shoots I'm planning for YouTube, and through this, you help me make that real, and are a very real part of The Journey!!
I'm offering 2 VIP ticket options this time!!!
- A 30 minute, one-on-one Mentorship call (10 tickets)
This was such an emotional amazing thing last time, that I'm bringing it back!! In this, you can ask me anything you want, and I'll help you debug any area of your life you want to look at. - A 60 minute, virtual lunch/dinner with me (5 tickets)
Here, we'll put on the kettle, make some food and sit down together and just talk. Again we can go into anything you want. It's an opportunity to really get to know each other and have some fun together!! If you want any tips with music (e.g. singing, performance, songwriting, confidence, piano) this is also a time you can get those questions answered!!!
I look forward to seeing you there!!!
Sunday 17th May, 18:30 UK Time
This is going to be seriously awesome!!
My love
Дорогие друзья!
Как я и обещал, я собираюсь провести ещё один онлайн концерт, когда достигну 250,000 подписчиков в Instagram... и... вот мы здесь!! Гораздо быстрее, чем я мог себе представить!!
Первый концерт привёл меня в полнейший восторг! Мы плакали и смеялись вместе, наши души сплелись. Это был невероятный и глубокий опыт. Этот опыт был поразительно целебным для каждого, как мне кажется. Я очень взволнован, и мне не терпится продвинуться дальше в этот раз. Я хочу взять Вас в путешествие: рассказать Вам истории из моей жизни, познакомить Вас со своей новой музыкой и с проектами, над которыми я сейчас работаю. Я хочу обсудить с Вами процесс создания песен и то, с чем я сталкиваюсь, когда пишу музыку. В общем я хочу поделиться с Вами своим миром. И конечно, центром этого мира будет потрясающая музыка.
Все собранные средства пойдут на создание музыки и искусства. У меня есть несколько замечательных идей для съёмок видео в YouTube, и таким образом Вы поможете мне воплотить их в жизнь, и Вы станете самыми настоящими участниками этого Путешествия!!
В этот раз я предлагаю 2 вида VIP билетов!!!
30-минутная личная консультация.
В прошлый раз это было так эмоционально и трогательно, что я хочу повторить это!! В течение этого разговора мы обсудим всё, что Вы хотите, Вы можете задать мне любой вопрос, и я помогу Вам наладить сферу жизни, которая Вам интересна.
60-минутный виртуальный ланч/ужин со мной.
В течение этого мероприятия мы ставим чайник, готовим еду и просто разговариваем. Ещё раз, мы можем обсудить всё, что угодно. Это возможность действительно узнать друг друга и прекрасно провести время!! Если Вам нужны советы в сфере музыки (пение, выступление на публике, написание песен, уверенность в себе, игра на пианино) у Вас будет возможность получить ответы на все вопросы!!!
Я очень жду встречи с Вами!!!
Воскресенье 17 Мая, 20.30 по Московскому времени
Обещаю, Вы замечательно проведёте время!!
С любовью,
Caros amigos!
Como eu prometi, eu vou fazer uma outra linha de concerto, quando chegar a 250.000 seguidores no Instagram...е... aqui estamos nós!! Muito mais rápido do que eu poderia imaginar!!
O primeiro concerto levou-me em confins delícia! Nós choramos e rimos juntos, nossas almas entrelaçados. Isso foi incrível e uma experiência profunda. Esta experiência foi surpreendente medicinal para cada um, parece-me. Estou muito animado e eu estou ansioso para ir mais longe desta vez. Eu quero levar Você a uma viagem: contar a história da minha vida, para apresentá-Lo com sua nova música e com os projetos nos quais estou trabalhando. Eu quero discutir com Vocês o processo de criação de músicas e algo com o qual me deparo, quando escrevo música. Em geral, eu quero compartilhar com Vocês a minha paz. E claro, o centro do mundo é incrível música.
Todos os fundos vão para a criação de música e arte. Eu tenho algumas idéias maravilhosas para a filmagem de um vídeo no YouTube, e assim Você vai me ajudar a trazê-los à vida, e Você vai se tornar mais verdadeiros participantes desta Viagem!!
Desta vez proponho uma espécie de 2 bilhetes VIP!!!
30 minutos de pessoal do conselho.
A última vez foi tão emocionante e comovente, que quero repetir isso!! Durante essa conversa, discutimos tudo o que você quiser, Você pode me pedir qualquer pergunta, e eu vou ajudá-lo a estabelecer uma esfera da vida, que Você é interessante.
60 minutos virtual almoço/jantar comigo.
Durante este evento, nós colocamos eléctrica, preparamos a comida e só falar. Mais uma vez, podemos discutir tudo o que quiser. Esta é a oportunidade de realmente conhecer o outro e para passar o tempo!! Se Você precisa de um conselho, em termos de música (cantar, falar em público, escrever músicas, auto-confiança, a tocar piano) Você será capaz de obter todas as respostas!!!
Estou muito ansioso para conhecê-lo!!!
Domingo, 17 de Maio, 18:30 horário de Londres
Prometo, Você é maravilhoso para passar o tempo!!
Com amor,
Introducing The Little Prince, the man described by Vogue as 'The Boy from Another World', International pianist and singer, The Talented Mr. Ridley.
Known for the journey's he takes his audiences on, Stephen is a one of a kind experience to behold.
Through Covid, Stephen has started doing private events for small groups of fans. These have been deep events, which have received an incredibly positive reception by all.
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The approval of refunds is entirely at the event organiser’s discretion, and you should get in contact with the event organiser to discuss what options are available to you. To get in touch with the event organiser, simply reply to your order confirmation email or use the "Contact organiser" form on the organiser's profile. For more help with this, read here.
I have registered on the Stephen Ridley || LIVE Online Concert || 'THE JOURNEY' waiting list, what happens now?
If more tickets become available you will be notified (by email) amongst others who have joined the list. Purchasing is on a first-come first-serve basis. For more information, read here.
Where do I find a link to an online event?
Check your order confirmation page or order confirmation email. Usually, the organiser of the event provides the details in the order confirmation email or they might send you a follow-up email with a link to their online event. You might also want to read the event description on Billetto where an event organiser should describe how to join the Stephen Ridley || LIVE Online Concert || 'THE JOURNEY' event online. For more information on this, read here.
What is refund protection and why would I need it?
Refund Protection provides you with the assurance that if unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances interfere with your ability to attend an event you can claim a refund. For more information on this, read here.
Stephen Ridley || LIVE Online Concert || 'THE JOURNEY'
From GBP 19.00