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Sound Journey & Meditation - RAIN FOREST REPLAY

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Sound Journey & Meditation - RAIN FOREST REPLAY

De Gratuito



Jul 16 2020 15:00 - Jul 22 2020 20:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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REPLAY OF LIVE EVENT available until July 22nd 8pm.

Join me for the replay virtual sound journey on Wednesday 15th July at 8pm GMT. This week I’ll be taking you on an atmospheric sonic journey through the rain forest full of tropical birds, forest creatures, and the beautiful natural sounds of our Earth. We'll start with a breath meditation focused on the root chakra to help us establish a sense of support and safety. I'll be combining binaural beats and ambient soundscapes using specific frequencies such as The Schumann Resonance (Resonant frequency of Earths atmosphere). These sessions aim to help you release emotional blocks and tap into your inner resources while harmonising and balancing your body and mind. I’ll also be using a variety of instruments including Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks, monochord, buffalo drum, steel tongue drum and voice.

I'll be streaming via a private group on FACEBOOK LIVE. You'll receive a link to join the group on booking. This is a donation based event (pay what you can). 


Michelle Cade (Mind Like Water) is a sound therapist, Ayurvedic massage therapist and music producer who specialises in nourishing and relaxing experiences. She uses a blend of techniques embracing sound, scent, lighting and natural beauty as part of her holistic approach. 

Fascinated by the connection between sound, movement and nature, Michelle explores how music has played a vital part in rituals, raising consciousness and inducing altered states of reality for thousands of years.

Both Sound and Massage therapies have been found to restore harmony and balance to the body’s biological rhythms and processes, releasing powerful hormones and natural chemicals which are vital for the body’s health and vitality. Treatments can help to detoxify and revitalise the entire body, and to induce deep relaxation. (Read recent feature in The Guardian on Mind Like Water's Ayurvedic Sound Massage.)

Michelle trained in Sound Therapy with Michele Averard & Nestor Kornblum of Harmonic Sounds in Spain, and in Massage Therapy with the Ayurvedic Yoga Massage Institute in Bali. She continued to develop her knowledge in London with Kerala born Dr Anil Alexander, founder of Soukia Ayurveda Healing Sparsh in London.

The signature Mind Like Water treatment is Ayurvedic Massage combined with Sound Therapy. 

She offers massage and sound treatments from her studio in Seven Sisters and at The Refinery, recently featured as one of Condé Nast’s Best Yoga Studios in East London. She also offers Sound Journeys at The Refinery every Saturday which are relaxing and powerful experiences of sound healing, breath and voice work.

Michelle uses a variety of instruments including Tibetan singing bowls, rain sticks, an ocean drum, buffalo drum, steel tongue drum, tuning forks & more. 

Soothing therapeutic-grade essential oils are used to awaken the senses and promote an overall sense of balance and restoration. 

As well as featuring at wellbeing events and festivals such as Balance Festival, Wanderlust, Mind Body Spirit, and World Meditation Day, Michelle works with the Regency Training Foundation offering sound & massage treatments to vulnerable adults and people with learning disabilities.

Michelle also releases music as Mind Like Water Music combining binaural beats, carefully-crafted frequencies, and special samples including her voice to create music for meditation, yoga and wellbeing. With her background as an underground electronic music producer, DJ and vocalist releasing under her own name Michelle Cade (, the work of Mind Like Water is compelled by the science of sound and frequency. 

Varying vibrations resonate with different parts of the body and energy centers, known as chakras. Informed by traditional cultures and techniques, Michelle's work is guided by intensive modern research, authentic practice and intuition as she constantly embraces the new and the ancient.

Having recently released "Better Everyday" (a guided Hypnosis meditation with Theta binaural beats) featuring Shauna Cummins, an NYC based Hypnotherapist and "Abhaya", Michelle has new releases out soon.


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