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'Slabs and reverse contrast ' - Typography Life Drawing

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'Slabs and reverse contrast ' - Typography Life Drawing

De GBP 6,00

Événement en ligne


18 SEP 2020 16:45 - 25 Oct 2020 21:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Réservez en toute confiance : Billetto garantit le remboursement des événements annulés, assurant ainsi votre tranquillité. En savoir plus


Slabs & (reverse) contrast

Access to the recordings until Sunday 25th October at midnight (BST)

Discover how the first display typefaces in the early 1800s had big, slab serifs and how some of the names were curious marketing gimmicks devised to sell more metal or wooden type.

Find out how things turned sideways as the contrast was reversed and let's have a chat about those Wild West clichés?

Explore the link between type and emotion, then take a look at the new and unexpected letter shapes appearing that reflect the strangeness of 2020.

'Slabs & reverse contrast' recordings are available until Sunday 25th October at midnight (BST)
'Decadent Deco' recordings are available until Sunday 1st November at midnight (BST)

Each weekly ticket gives you:

• 3 episodes, which were originally broadcast live
• Access to the recordings 
• Sign up any time during the week and watch what you missed on catchup
• Spotify playlists

With access to the recordings, you can choose the time that suits you best wherever you are in the world.


Would you like to feel confident and excited about typography? Get creative learning about typefaces with quick and fun sketching exercises. Listen to their backstories and discover the amazing history behind the styles.

Three half-hour sessions will be broadcast each week with access to the recording afterwards so you can take part at a time that suits you. You’ll take part in quick sketching exercises and discover the shapes that make each type style unique. You’ll develop your own drawing style and enjoy the creative process without the pressure of creating a perfect or finished piece of work. Whatever your level, from beginner to expert, this ongoing course will supercharge your love of letterforms.

These online sessions are based on the hugely popular activities from the workshops I’ve been running since 2013.

Ideal for designers, students & anybody curious about letterforms.

Find out about the whole Typography Life Drawing series here

“I signed up for the first Typography Life Drawing session because it sounded interesting and I fancied a bit of sketching. Sarah packs so much information into these fun, bite sized sessions—visual images, sounds, history and further resources; it was way more inspiring than I expected. After every class I’m buzzing with enthusiasm and lots of new ideas!” Kat Gaska

“I was curious about typography but wasn’t sure where to start in learning more. This playful, fast-moving online series was the perfect introduction to some key ideas in the history, use and appreciation of type. Thanks Sarah for your infectious enthusiasm and fun approach to teaching.” Gabby Hoad


• Discover the excitement and beauty of typography 
• Cure “font phobia”
• Get creative and messy as you develop your own sketching style 
• Break out of your typographic comfort zone 
• Discover how drawing letterforms helps you to understand typography 
• Feel inspired by the history of typography 
• Find out why there are so many different type styles 
• See how typefaces reflect social attitudes and cultural change 
• Get hands on with some really beautiful letterforms


In each session I’ll introduce the typeface, style or moment in time to be explored. You’ll be set short sketching exercises so you can explore the shapes of the letterforms and learn about their shapes. As you draw, you’ll be told the stories behind the type—the history, how it developed or why the style’s relevant today.

You’ll be notified in advance of extras to bring to each session. This might be a Spotify playlist to play while you draw, specific drawing tools; sometimes there will be something to taste or smell.


For the full list of tools, paper and setup suggestions click here.

*How you can support the series

This is a new initiative because I can’t run in-person workshops due to Covid-19.

I need your help to get lots of people to take part so I can keep the price at this level and for the series to continue. If you enjoy the sessions, please support this initiative by encouraging your friends and colleagues to buy subscriptions. Your links should not be shared with others, they are unique to you.

If you would like me to run private sessions for your group or organisation please get in touch with me here.

Tools, paper & setup

Here are some of the mark-making tools you could use. For the full list of tools, paper and setup suggestions click here.


How would you like to share images of your work? I’d love to hear your ideas, please drop me a message here.

Typography life drawing is created by Sarah Hyndman

I’m the author of the bestselling book ‘Why Fonts Matter’ and ‘How to Draw Type and Influence People’. I was awarded an MA in Typo/Graphics (distinction) from the London College of Communication (University of the Arts London) and have taught workshops for a wide range of organisations from corporates to educational establishments.

Teaching experience

Taught the yearlong Experimental Typography CMP course at the London College of Communication (University of the Arts London) for six years.

Delivered bespoke workshops for D&AD, I’m also a judge for their New Blood and professional awards.

Created a week-long typography course for students at Ecole Intuit Lab, Mumbai, India. I’m running new online sessions with them later in 2020.

A guest tutor for colleges both in the UK and abroad. These include Birmingham City University, California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly), Portland State University, RMIT Melbourne, Shillington London, Stevenson University USA, University of the Arts London and VIA University College Denmark.

Creator of mass participation creative events. These have taken place for Design Thinkers Toronto, Pick Me Up at Somerset House, the Victoria and Albert Museum, We Love Graphic Design in Copenhagen and Wellcome.

Visit the main event page

Photo of Sarah by Ivan Jones, large photo below by Jessica Morgan.


    Sarah Hyndman demystifies the amazing world of typography. She is the author of ‘Why Fonts Matter’. She is a TEDx speaker, a regular on radio (BBC Radio 4’s 'Word of Mouth' with Michael Rosen, 'Saturday Live', 'Today'.) and TV (Channel 4's 'Sunday Brunch'). Sarah is a multisensory typography expert and collaborates on studies with Professor Charles Spence of the University of Oxford.

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