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Silly, Sexy, Sacred

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Silly, Sexy, Sacred

Fra GBP 55,00



21 apr 2018 kl. 10:45 - 17:30
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Silly, Sexy, Sacred

A day of exploration, sensuality, play and fun. Sanga Sanga will share the building blocks of their practice and give you the tools to create moments of playful loving connection with your fellow workshop participants and ideas to take away with you to try with family, friends and lovers at home.

If you have enjoyed interacting with us at festivals and events, then this is your chance to go deeper and enjoy a full day of being fluffed and learning the sacred art of fluffing.


Playfulness and absurdity are at the heart of what we do. We will lark about, use costumes, props and explore tools for teasing.


We celebrate our bodies and our sexual energy without shame. We will use techniques and tools to go safely into a juicy space together and set clear boundaries on how to revel in it.


We believe that human connection to each other and to nature is a sacred rite. We will connect in with our bodies and hearts and approach everything we do with mindfulness, magic and respect.

Our practice as walkabout performers involves channelling our inner goddess, being in service, surrounding people with a moment of unconditional love and worship, singing to them, stroking them and feeding them.

Moments of bliss are literally at the end of all our fingertips, all the time. Join us to share and explore the ways we can make ourselves and each other feel like juicy, heavenly beings.

The workshop involves stroking and touching other participants in a sensual but not a sexual way. Boundaries and consent will be discussed throughout.

A state of undress is welcomed for parts of the session as it means that there is more skin to touch and stroke.

What will happen in this workshop;

  • Opening circle
  • Interactive games
  • Connection Exercises
  • Dance and movement
  • Voice as a healing instrument
  • Dressing Up
  • Conscious touch
  • Group worship experience
  • How we use ritual
  • Embodying archetypes
  • Consent and boundaries


10.45am - 5.30pm, Saturday 21st April 2018

Unit K5, Arena Design Centre, 71, Ashfield Road, London, N4 1FF


Limited Early Bird tickets: £55

Standard Ticket: £66

If the price is a barrier for you please contact us.

About the Facilitators:

Gaia Harvey Jackson and Sarah Vero are the founding members of Sanga Sanga. They are performance artists and facilitators of connection and intimacy. Their work combines tantric teaching and pagan rituals with a sprinkling of theatrical wizardry, making this ancient wisdom fun and accessible. They have worked together for over 5 years and have trained in performance, conscious sensuality and sound healing. Love, authenticity and play are at the heart of all that they do and they are always exploring new ways to create heavenly moments of connection, silliness, celebration and sharing.

Places they have performed and run workshops at include Morning Gloryville, Togetherness Festival, The Summerhouse Weekend, Glastonbury Festival, We Are One, Into the Wild, LADS, Colourfest, Nowhere, The Borderland, Malice Arts and Cock & Bull Festival.

What do people think of our work?:

“Thank you both for creating such a lovely event and for holding the space so beautifully throughout the day. It was a delightful mix of gentle Tantra, connecting games and other lovely things that I hadn't really come across in the many workshops I've done over 20 years. Great to get a taste of your work in this way and that you're spreading the love through festivals and events.” Chris, participant

“For a short while, I was whisked away from my environment of usual eclectic festival madness into another realm that interacted with me on a much deeper level. I was guided by Spirit-like beings of form similar to Angels or Goddesses most forgotten from some unwritten pagan tale. My ears and eyes are first transported thru expert theatre magic to a destination worlds apart from my reality of now; then follows my touch, my inner self, and my sense of place melts away. No plot was needed, this raw sensory journey let me forget my surroundings and then as if in some lucid dream I am given the power to form my mind around this new and enlightening landscape. Thank you Sanga Sanga - please make more.” Don Shades

Do I have to be naked?

It is up to you how much you wear. We encourage you to have some skin available for stroking. You do not have to do anything you are not comfortable with. You are free to keep your clothes on throughout if that suits you. Please be aware there here may be some level of nudity in the room so you do need to be comfortable with that.

What about gender?

This workshop is for everyone. You will be in a group doing playful and sensual exercises with everyone. If you are not comfortable being in a group with everyone then please consider if this workshop is right for you. If you have any questions, please get in touch.

What does sensuality mean in this workshop? How intimate will it be? Will there be sex in this workshop?

For us, sensuality means the condition of being pleasing or fulfilling to the senses. The enjoyment, expression and pursuit of physical pleasure and pleasure across all of our five senses; taste, touch, sight, sense and sound. We hope that means there is something in there for everybody.

We encourage physical touch but not sexual touch. The aim of the workshop is to be sensual, not sexual. Boundaries will be set along the way. All the exercises are optional and we can help you create a version that respects your boundaries. You will not have to do anything you don’t want to.

Nice try, but no. There won’t be any sex. Feel free to go have some consensual good times afterwards.

What do I need to wear/bring?

Please wear something that makes you feel good and that you can comfortably move your body in. This could be loose comfortable clothing or wild festival leggings, it’s up to you. You might want to wear some layers to strip down into, and underwear you are happy for other people to see you in.

We also invite you to bring some fancy dress, hats, feather boas, headdresses, fun accessories and any festival-wear you might like to dress up in.

Please bring a bottle of water and a healthy lunch to share.

This event is part one of a series of three events;

21st April - Silly, Sexy, Sacred; sensuality for everyone

19th May - A Woman’s Touch; sensuality for women

16th June - Loving with Intent; sensuality for couples

Come find us on Facebook or visit our Website.


Gaia Harvey Jackson and Sarah Vero are Sanga Sanga. They are performance artists and workshop facilitators of connection and intimacy. Their work combines tantric teaching and pagan rituals with a sprinkling of theatrical wizardry.


Studio K5 Studio K5, Arena Design Centre, 71 Ashfield Rd, N4 1FF London


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