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Self Care Self Love Retreat 2020 Spring -*** POSTPONED***

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Self Care Self Love Retreat 2020 Spring -*** POSTPONED***

De GBP 10,00



21 Mar 2020 10:15 - 17:30
Billetto Peace of Mind
Réservez en toute confiance : Billetto garantit le remboursement des événements annulés, assurant ainsi votre tranquillité. En savoir plus





How exciting. I can’t quite believe this will be the 4th Self Care Self Love Retreat Day!!!

For the Spring Retreat we have some absolutely amazing workshops. The will be based around FREEDOM. And what it means for us to be FREE. What holds us back and stops us from feeling FREEDOM in our life to do as our hearts truly desire. What would we like to be FREE from and FREE to achieve.
Can’t wait to see you there!
So what is in store for the day...

-Becky Bohan -The Mothers Touch - Facilitating Self Care Self Love
Becky will welcome you and introduce you to the day ahead. Giving you insight into what she does!
Creating a safe space for you to enjoy your time for you.

-Melissa Amos – Intuitive Guidance and Healing - Guided Meditation
Melissa will lead you in a guided channelled meditation, to help you to let go and let in.
Drawing upon the power of the Akashic Records, The Angelic Realm and other spiritual tools, this will start you off on your day of exploration and freedom.

-Helen Cooper – Helen Cooper Yoga - Self Care and Yoga
Helen will be welcoming us with be an introduction of the benefits of Self Care in Yoga then treating us to a short tailored practice  

-Juliette Bryant - Juliette’s Kitchen - Freeing ourselves from the Diet mentality and achieving Optimum Health instagram: julietteskitchen27
From a young age we are filled with notions of restriction and body shaming. We enter a world where yo yo dieting is a norm and food is looked at as source of joy or despair. In Juliette’s talk and demo she will show you how you can begin to transform your view of yourself and your relationship to food all whilst eating amazing tasting things.

-Rebecca Cole – Balance Space Kinesiology – Kinesiology – Having a conversation with the body
In Rebecca’s workshop we will find how she found her way with Kinesiology and gain a better understanding of when Science meets magic.

-River Ki – Crow Tribe – Re-Connection
When I told River the theme of The Spring Retreat and showed him my thoughts he beautifully responded with his thoughts on Freedom.
“Freedom from the 'Story' we can so often become entangled in throughout our lives, along with its limiting self beliefs, doubt and fear. We are NOT our story...and can change it as and when we choose. Great theme.”
 We never know what to expect from one of favourite resident speakers River, but we do know it will be about Re-Connection.

-Lucy-Anne Holmes- award winning writer and activist – The Wonders of W**king
Lucy-Anne Holmes- award winning writer and activist, founder of the No More Page 3 campaign. Her most recent release is a sex memoir which is a fantastic called Don’t hold my head down and soon to be on audiable. With lots of other work in the pipeline we are so excited she is going to squeeze us in for a Ted (style) talk.

-Cali White - Love is our Power - Healing The Burning Times; Discovering the power of our ancestral witch path
The Witch Hunts of the Middle ages smashed up sisterhoods and taught women to play small in order to simply survive. 300 years later we continue to play out these ancestral legacies which leave us feeling powerless, isolated, and not safe. To fully reclaim our feminine power, we need to free ourselves of our inherited trauma and conditioned behaviours and we need to do it together! It's time to free ourselves from these misplaced shackles! It's time to rise and shine

-Lyndsey Ollard – Singer Songwriter - It’s all about the love
I have had the pleasure of getting to know beautiful Lyndsey and her beautiful talents which are inspired by her life experiences on her journey, we will be treated to her closing the day with the soulful sound of her song.

Can’t wait to see you there!

The day will be awesome, with Therapist available to book for mini treatments, a small number of selected stalls of hand crafted goods and local business you will be surrounded by likeminded souls and leave feeling truly refreshed and revitalised, energised, full of inspiration and much much more.
An event not to be missed hope you can join us 🙏🏻💙
You deserve #SELFCARESELFLOVE all of the time.
With Love
Becky Bohan - The Mothers Touch xxx


Essendon Village Hall Essendon Village Hall, School Ln, AL9 6HD Hatfield


Becky Bohan -The Mothers Touch
Facilitating Self Care Self Love
Melissa Amos - Intuitive Guidance and Healing
Guided Meditiation
Helen Cooper - Helen Cooper Yoga
Self Care and Yoga
Juliette Bryant - Juliette's Kitchen
Freeing ourselves from the Diet mentality and achieving Optimum Health
Rebecca Cole - The Balance Space Kiniseology
Having a Conversation with the Body
River Ki - from CrowTribe
Lucy-Anne Holmes - Writer and Activist
The Wonders of W**nking
Cali White - Love is our Power
Healing The Burning Times; Discovering the power of our ancestral witch path
Lyndsey Ollard - Singer/Songwriter
It's all about The Love
Kim Taylor - Kimmie's Kitchen
Pre-Order you delicious Vegan Lunch until Friday 13th March (via tickets)

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