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Rock & Roll Highlights London Soho Walk (Free)

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Rock & Roll Highlights London Soho Walk (Free)

De Gratuito



Feb 17 2018 14:00 - 15:45
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Soho is an exciting area of London to explore at any time - but if you love Rock & Roll, and enjoy hearing the stories behind your favourite bands, then having a local friendly guide to pick out the musical highlights, and tell you some of the amazing stories behind the sites, just makes a walk around the Capital’s entertainment district that much more fun.

Join me on a fun Rock and Roll Highlights Walking Tour around London’s Soho area. I have created a unique 90-minute walking tour, which will take you on a musical journey through the 1960’s and 1970’s, to Soho’s top “Rock and Roll” landmarks. We will visit the most famous sites, and also some of the lesser known places. Each site has been specially selected because of its interesting behind-the-scenes stories - many quite surprising!

On the Walk:

  • Some of the artists and bands you will hear about include: Queen, David Bowie, The Beatles, The Kinks, The Who, Genesis, Jimi Hendrix, The Small Faces, The Rolling Stones, Black Sabbath, Marc Bolan & T-Rex, Elton John, The Sex Pistols, The Jam and later artists (including Oasis and Amy Winehouse).
  • You will also see famous venues such as: The Marquee Club, The Bag O'Nails, Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club, The 2i's Coffee Bar “Tin Pan Alley”, The Ship Pub, along with the world famous Trident Studios, Carnaby Street and the site of The Beatles’ last live performance.
  • Hear the stories behind songs such as The Beatles’ “Let it Be”, Black Sabbath’s “Paranoid”, Elton John’s “A Song for Guy” and David Bowie’s “Starman”.
  • You will also hear amazing stories about some the bands’ managers, such as: Don Arden (“The Don”), Brian Epstein, Dick Rowe (“the biggest mistake in musical history”) Dick James, (“the luckiest publisher in Denmark Street”) Sharon Osbourne and Kit Lambert and hear how the managers and the criminal fraternity in Soho could “fix a chart”, as well as ensuring that most bands, even the very top bands, hardly ever got to enjoy their royalties.

This Tour will take place “rain or shine” (or other weather conditions!) and is suitable for all age groups.

Soho is quite small, yet there is so much to see - so it is not a long walk and we will be walking at a leisurely pace.

This Tour is ideal if you have a short period of time to spend before a show, or if you are meeting up with friends, as the Walk starts at Piccadilly Circus and finishes nearby, only a short walk from either Leicester Square or Tottenham Court Road.

I hope you can join me.

I will be waiting outside The Criterion Theatre (next to the statue of Eros), Piccadilly Circus, at 2.00 pm on Saturday, 17th February 2018.

I am the guy in the picture and I will be wearing the same hat.

Looking forward to meeting you.


Paul Garner, Louis' London Walks, Organiser of Rock & Roll Highlights London Soho Walk (Free)

This unique guided Walk has been designed by Paul Garner, who is a professional tour guide writer, Londoner and an ex-musician.

Paul has written a series of pocket-sized, themed walks and maps around London, which are published by his company Louis’ London Walks, and he has been producing London guide books for independent travellers to London for over 18 years.


2.00 pm Outside Criterion Theatre (Next to Eros) , Piccadilly Circus, W1V 9LB London


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