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Reiki Activated Gong Bath at Balanced Life in Hackney Wick

l'evento è terminato

Reiki Activated Gong Bath at Balanced Life in Hackney Wick

Da GBP 20,00



Nov 11 2019 19:30 - 21:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Prenota senza pensieri: Billetto garantisce il rimborso per gli eventi cancellati, assicurandoti così la massima tranquillità. Leggi di più


Do you find it hard to meditate? 

Maybe you find it hard to switch off and relax? 

If your mind churns things over and won't give you peace, this is the event for you. 

Laying down under a blanket, you need not do anything but focus on your breath. The sound will take you on a meditative journey, it's a bit like getting a big hug from the universe. 

You're bathed in the sounds (hence the name gong bath) which vibrate through your body; resetting your nervous system (aiding sleep and feelings of being safe), preventing inflammation in the body, inhibiting the stress and pain response, as well as having a positive effect on your heart and respiratory rates. 

People often report deep meditative and peaceful states, clarity of mind, and deeper connections to their intuition as well as peaceful sleep, following a gong bath. 

Join us and see for yourself. 


Rachael is an experienced EFT and sound therapist based between London and Hastings, UK.

Her main focus is on empowering women to heal so they can live from a place of inner power and happiness. She shares her incredible story of overcoming burnout, depression, anxiety, PTSD and suicide attempts to be voted one of London’s best alternative therapists by Time Out which inspires others that they can also transform and grow.

Her life-changing strategies, sound healings and wisdom are in demand from companies like Vans, TikTok, Spotify, Reuters, and Weetabix among others. She has been featured as an expert in anxiety, depression and mindset in the mainstream press and on podcasts like Frankie Bridge’s Open Mind. She’s driven by the transformation in her clients, often receiving handwritten cards and messages on how the tools and techniques she shares have changed lives.

Rachael offers Happy Habits Club and the Things I Wish I’d Known podcast. 

Join us on retreat this January for Review Release Renew 

You can find her @rachael_welford on Instagram or by clicking the links above. 

Luogo dell'evento

29 White Post Ln, E9 5EN London


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