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Recurring Event with Capacity [ Template Event ]

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Recurring Event with Capacity [ Template Event ]

Fra GBP 0,00


Flere tidsrum

1 maj 2022 - 31 maj 2022
Billetto Peace of Mind
Du kan trygt booke hos os: Billetto garanterer refundering via tilbagebetaling for aflyste events. Læs mere



You can follow the steps below to recreate it for your own use. Feel free to "purchase" a free ticket to test the purchase flow and see what your attendees will receive when they complete a purchase.


Here you can write a description for your event. This space is fully-customisable. Add videos if you have any trailers for your event or add images for extra illustration. You can also add instructions to participation or if there are any notable people taking part in your online event - add them here too.  



  1. Start by clicking on "Create Event" at the top of the page
  2. Add the name for your event/museum
  3. Add organiser name - this is either your name or the name of your company/brand
  4. Click Create a recurring event - and follow the instructions and guide here
  5. Click Connect a venue and then Register Venue
  6. Enter the Venue name, the location and a recognisable image for Ticket Buyers.
  7. Optional:In Advanced settings you can set a venue capacity and cross event capacity (if you use the same venue across multiple events this will allow you to limit the number of attendees) as well as the expected amount of time the visits will be within the venue.
  8. Write up a description for your event/class and add some images if you like
  9. Choose the Event type /Category - this helps your event to get discovered on Billetto among other similar events
  10. You can also add up to 3 tags to increase discovery
  11. Add Ticket Types including the Name, Price and maximum tickets to be sold. Remember you can always add discounted ticket types and more, see here
  12. Check the box for Max Capacity and enter the maximum amount of people you wish within 1 time slot.
  13. Add an image to illustrate your event. If you don't have an image handy, simply search for one in our free built-in image library. 
  14. You're ready to publish your page! 


Once you have published the main page for your event, there are a few customisations you can add to achieve the example in this template.  These are generally found within the Manage Event section.

Add custom text to order confirmation email & page

In this event template, we have included an additional order & email confirmation text to let the participants know where they can find the online event. This is perfect if you have a non-public video stream and wish to share the link only with people that give a donation or buy access. Also, you can create a video of your class/event available for replay to people that donate as a perk. To do this:

  1. Go to My Events
  2. Click Manage on the event page 
  3. Navigate to Customisation & Design
  4. Choose Tickets & Orders. Here you can add an additional message that is going to appear on the order confirmation email. If you want this to appear on the order confirmation page too, just tick Include on the order confirmation page  & click Save

Add a custom booking question for participants

If you would like to collect extra information about your participants (ex. if they would like to receive your newsletter or if there's anything you should be aware of before the class starts) you can do so with Booking Questions

  1. Go to My Events
  2. Click Manage on the event page 
  3. Navigate to Customisation & Design
  4. Choose Booking Questions. Here you can create questions that your participants have to answer before they complete a purchase (there's also an option to ask these questions after the purchase). Just follow the template to create a question. You can also simply follow this guide to adding additional booking questions

    Now you can add the link to this page in your online class description, or make it a part of your Facebook event, Instagram profile description & other promotional tools. 


Billetto is the leading subculture event marketplace in the Nordics. We connect ticket buyers to indie events and push for cultural diversity by promoting subcultures that make us human.



My Museum Arts Museum, 1 Street, City


  • Jeg har ikke modtaget min billet via e-mail. Hvad skal jeg gøre?

    Det første du skal gøre, er at tjekke spam, uønsket post samt reklame mappen, da vi desværre nogle gange smide derhen. Det skyldes dine billetter er sendt som vedhæftet fil og det kan betrægtes som spam af nogle systemer. Alternativt kan du altid finde dine billetter ved at logge ind på din Billetto konto, som du kan tilgå via vores app eller browser. For mere hjælp, læs her .

  • Jeg ønsker at annullere min billet og modtage en refusion. Hvad skal jeg gøre?

    De fleste billetter kan desværre ikke altid refunderes. Men du er altid velkommen til at kontakte arrangøren direkte, for at se om de er villige til at acceptere din forespørgsel om en refundering. Du kan kontakte arrangøren ved at klikke på arrangør og dernæst kontakt eller besvare din ordrebekræftelse. For mere hjælp, læs her .

  • Jeg har skrevet mig på ventelisten, hvad sker der nu?

    Hvis flere billetter bliver tilgængelige, vil du få besked (via e-mail) sammen med de andre som er tilmeldt ventelisten. Det er efter først-til-mølle-princippet. For mere information, læs her .

  • Hvor finder jeg linket til et online event?

    På ordrebekræftelsessiden ved genenmført køb eller på ordrebekræftelsen sendt til dig på mail. Normalt vil arrangøren af eventet oplyse dig om dette i din ordrebekræftelses email, som du modtager fra os, eller efter ordren er booket sende dig en email med de informationer du skal bruge. Du kan også læse event beskrivelsen, da de kan have oplyst det der, hvordan du får adgang til eventet. For mere information, læs her .

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    Med billetforsikringen har du mulighed for at modtage en refusion, ved nogle uforudsete hændelser gennem ERV. For mere information, læs her .

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