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QNI Annual Conference 2019

événement terminé

QNI Annual Conference 2019

De GBP 0,00



23 SEP 2019 09:00 - 24 SEP 2019 17:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Réservez en toute confiance : Billetto garantit le remboursement des événements annulés, assurant ainsi votre tranquillité. En savoir plus


The Queen’s Nursing Institute Annual Conference

Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th September 2019

Royal College of General Practitioners, 30 Euston Square, London NW1 2FB

Healthcare in the Community

Day 1: Voice to Action

Day 2: Excellence in Action

The QNI Annual Conference 2019 will be taking place on Monday 23rd September 2019 and Tuesday 24th September 2019 at The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP). We are now putting together the programme which is looking very exciting.  Please see our FAQs below for any queries you may have. 


Do I have to attend both days? 

No - You can book to attend one or both days. 

How much does it cost to attend?

Early bird rate: £175 per day (ends 31st May 2019)

Queen’s Nurse rate ONLY: £125 per day

Standard delegate rate: £199 per day

I’m a Queen’s Nurse – is there a reduced rate for me?

If you are a Queen’s Nurse you are entitled to a special delegate rate. 

If you have any queries please email 

Is VAT included in the price?

Our charity is not VAT registered, therefore VAT is not applicable.

Are you able to invoice my employing organisation to book my delegate place? 

We would prefer the booking to go through Billetto but if this is going to be a problem we would be able to invoice your employing organisation. 

Please note, there is a £15 admin fee per invoice which is non-refundable. 

Is it possible to cancel my delegate place at the QNI Annual Conference?

As per our terms and conditions, our cancellation policy is as follows: 

Refunds and Cancellations 

Invoiced delegates 

Tickets may be refunded up to two calendar months prior to the conference, minus a £15 non-refundable administration fee. No refunds will be given after this time. To request a refund for invoice please email .

Online bookings without the insurance option 

Tickets may be refunded up to two calendar months before the conference. No refunds will be given after this time. To request a refund for invoice please email

Online bookings with the insurance option 

Please note the QNI will not offer any refunds up to two calendar months prior to the conference. Therefore, if you decide to purchase the insurance option with Billetto during the booking process, you will need to liaise with Billetto’s insurers directly (not with the QNI). 

Cancellations for non-attendance on the day of the conference are not available. 


When will I receive confirmation of my booking and the joining instructions?

You will receive a receipt as well as confirmation of your booking (via Billetto) as soon as you have made the payment.

In addition, you will receive an email from us four weeks prior to the event to ask you to select which parallel seminar session you would like to attend. 

Further instructions will be sent to you 14 days prior to the event. The instructions will include details of the venue, directions and the key timings of the day. 

If you have not received the necessary documentation, please email 

Is it possible for a colleague to attend in my place? 

If you would like to make any changes to your booking you will need to notify The QNI Team at about the changes as soon as possible and before the event. Please remember, if you make a change only a few days before the event, we will not be able to change the name on our printed materials.

If you have purchased the early bird rate or the standard ticket, please email us with the following information: new delegate’s name, job title, employing organisation, telephone number, email address and any special requirements they may have.

If you have made a booking under the Queen’s Nurse delegate rate this is only transferable to another Queen's Nurse (unless you/your colleague pays the additional delegate fee). You will need to send us the new delegate’s name, job title, employing organisation, telephone number, email address and any special requirements they may have.

I am booked to attend an event, where can I find the venue information?

The conference will be held at the Royal College of General Practitioners. For more information about the venue and to see a map please visit their website


Delegates are responsible for their own travel and accommodation arrangements.

The RCGP offers 41 ensuite bedrooms; although the rooms are normally reserved for RCGP members, they will offer this to delegates should they have availability. For more information please visit RCGP’s website

If you are unable to book a room with the venue there are a number of other hotels near Euston Station.

Dietary requirements

If you have any dietary requirements please let us know when you are making the booking.

Access requirements

The venue is fully accessible. If you have any access requirements please let us know when you are making the booking.

If you have any questions please email 

Post event information

Will I be able to access speakers’ presentations?

This option is not available.

How do I get a Certificate of Attendance?

Certificates of Attendance will be available after the conference. 

I still need help!

If you have any queries please email or call 020 7549 1400 and we will be happy to help you.

Please note, places are offered on a first-come-first-served basis.

Kind Regards, 

Farida Barlas 

Events and Queen's Nurse Network Manager 


The Queen’s Nursing Institute is a registered charity dedicated to improving the nursing care of people in the home and community. We promote excellent nursing care for everyone, where and when they need it.


The Royal College of General Practitioners The Royal College of General Practitioners, 30 Euston Square, NW1 2FB London

FAQ (Foire Aux Questions)

  • Je n'ai pas reçu mon billet par e-mail. Que dois-je faire ?

    La première chose à faire est de vérifier vos filtres de spam et votre boîte mail. Vos billets ont été envoyés en tant que pièce jointe et peuvent être considérés comme spam par certains services de messagerie. Sinon, vous pouvez toujours trouver vos billets sur votre compte Billetto auquel vous pouvez accéder dans les navigateurs ou l'application Billetto. Pour plus d'aide à ce sujet, consultez ceci.

  • Je souhaite annuler mon billet et me faire rembourser. Que dois-je faire ?

    L'approbation des remboursements est entièrement décidée par l'organisateur de l'événement, et vous devez prendre contact avec lui pour discuter des options s'offrant à vous. Pour contacter l'organisateur de l'événement, il suffit de répondre à l'e-mail de confirmation de votre commande ou d'utiliser le formulaire "Contacter l'organisateur" sur le profil de l'organisateur. Pour plus d'aide à ce sujet, consultez ceci.

  • Je me suis inscrit sur une liste d'attente, que se passe-t-il désormais ?

    Si des billets supplémentaires sont disponibles, vous en serez informé (par e-mail) parmi les autres personnes qui se sont inscrites sur la liste. Les achats se font selon le principe du premier arrivé, premier servi. Pour plus d'informations, consultez ceci.

  • Où puis-je trouver un lien vers un événement en ligne ?

    Consultez la page de confirmation de votre commande ou l'e-mail de confirmation de votre commande. En général, l'organisateur de l'événement fournit les détails dans l'e-mail de confirmation de la commande ou il peut vous envoyer un e-mail de suivi avec un lien vers son événement en ligne. Vous pouvez également consulter la description de l'événement sur Billetto où l'organisateur de l'événement devrait décrire comment rejoindre l'événement en ligne. Pour plus d'informations à ce sujet, consultez ceci.

  • Qu'est-ce que la protection des remboursements et pourquoi en aurais-je besoin ?

    La protection contre les remboursements vous donne l'assurance qu'en cas de circonstances imprévues et inévitables vous empêchant d'assister à un événement, vous pourrez demander un remboursement. Pour plus d'informations à ce sujet, consultez ceci.

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